Chapter 2

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Before we knew it,we finally arrived to school.
Sam:"Alright guys,we're here
We leave the car and started to walk in the school.
Emily:"Ugh,if our math teacher gives us homework,I swear to god I'll kill myself!"
Lucy:"No!!Please I can't live without you babe..
Emily:Haha sorry babe,I was just kidding
Lucy:"Alright be promise me you'll never do that to me again
Emily:" Ok I promise (gives me a kiss on the cheek)."
We entered the school hall and all the girls were starring at us like we were naked or something..
Lucy:"Alright you guys,what's your first class?
Lucy: OMG same here!!
The 3 of us:" YAY!!"
Lucy: I'll go put my stuff in my locker see you guys later."
We gave each other a hug before heading to class.I finally found my locker when suddenly I heard a voice behind me saying:"Excuse me,you're blocking my locker".
OMG I felt so awkward and shy as I turned around and see an extremely sexy guy in front of me
Lucy:" Uh-um,sorry (I move away from the locker number 67)
Guy:"Its ok,no need to apologize.Are you new here?
Lucy:Yes I am,what about you?
Guy:"No,I've been here in the past 2 years.Oh where are my matters?!Im Grayson,Grayson Dolan.
Lucy:Nice to meet you Grayson,I'm Lucy
Grayson:"Nice name
Lucy: Thanks (I started to blush so bad that I became red)
Grayson:"Are you ok? ( asked me with a smirk )
Lucy:Yeah I'm ok,I should go to class right now so talk to you later?
Grayson:"Yeah sure,bye!
As I walked to English class,a girl approached me and said:"I see you've met my boyfriend.. ( with a mad tone)
Lucy:Yeah,I was blocking his locker so we talked for a bit
Girl:"Yeah well,if I EVER see you near him again I'LL KILL YOU!! ( punches me in my face)
Lucy:Ok..(I soon later blacked out ).

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now