Chapter 53

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Lucy P.O.V.
I woke up in a hospital bed with stitches on my waist.

"Miss, are you alright?" The doctor asked.

"Y-yes.." I replied.

"We have some bad news.."

"What is it?.." I asked worried.

"You have a tumor in your brain and if we don't take it off, you might die.."

"What? this can't be happening.."

"I'm sorry.."

"Can I call some of my friends?"

"Sure. I'll call them for you".

"Thank you doctor".

He leaves the room and calls Grayson and Sam.

Grayson P.O.V.
"Ring ring ring!" My phone rang.


"Hello this is the Los Angeles hospital speaking, we have some bad news about your friend Lucy. We need you right away."

"Oh my gosh, I'm on my way!"

End of call..

I got out of my room and head to the living room to put on my shoes.

"Ethan, we're going to the hospital!!" I shouted.

"Coming!" He said running to the living room.

We got in my car and drove to the hospital.

We arrived and went to her room when suddenly, Ethan stopped walking.

"Ethan, you're not coming?"

"You go ahead, I'm not sure she really wants to see me".

"Um, alright".

I got in her room and saw Sam sitting on her bed. God I was so happy to see her awake. I thought I lost her..


"Grayson" she said smiling with tears all over her eyes.

I sat next to her and caressed her cheek.

" have to forget about me.." She said tearing up


"Please, just forget me.."

"Lucy, I just found out that you're alive after what happened. How am I gonna forget you?"

"Please just do it gray, it's for your own good.."

"Lucy what's going on?"

"Grayson..I'm gonna die.."

Sam and I looked at her as we started crying.

"No..tell me it's not true.." Sam said crying.

"I'm sorry babe.." Lucy said.


"I have a tumor in my brain, and if we don't take it off I might die.."

"Then take it off".

"Grayson, I'll lose my memory if I do.."


"Grayson.." She said caressing my cheek.

"You can't leave me.."

"I'd rather die than to not know who you are anymore". She said.

" have to operate".

"No Grayson..."

"Yes Lucy, I don't wanna lose you".

"You'll lose me anyway. When I'll wake up, I won't remember who you are anymore. I won't even remember who I am.."

"But I can't let you die Lucy! I just can't!"

She kissed my forehead and hugged me. I missed hugging my best friend but losing her is my worst nightmare that could ever happen.

"Are you sure about this gray?" She asked.


"I love you Grayson.."

"I love you too.."

"Promise me you'll never forget me.."

"Not a chance, you're my best friend. I'll never forget my best friend".

"But sadly I have to forget you".

"I know, but we'll find a way to fix you back".

She untangles from me and hugs Sam.

"You won't forget either right?" She asked Sam.

"Of course not sweetie, I love you.." Sam said kissing her forehead.

She untangles from Sam and looks down as a tear went down her face.

"What's wrong honey?" Sam asked.

"I just can't do guys have to let me go".

"No we won't!"

"Can I at least ask you something before the operation?"


"Does Ethan still care about me?.."

I grabbed Sam and left the room.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Sam asked.

I didn't answer, I went to the living room and saw Ethan sitting on a couch crying.

"Ethan" I said.

He turned around and looked at me.

"I think it's time for you to get in there".

He gets up and goes to the room.

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