Chapter 15

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Tomorrow afternoon..
Ethan:"Mom,I'm going to the park!
Mrs Dolan:Alright sweetie,be careful!
Ethan:Alright mom (gives her a kiss on the cheek)."
10 minutes later,Ethan sees me sitting on a bench and joins me..
Me: Hey (as I gave him a hug).
Ethan:So you wanted to talk?
Me:Yeah,about that kiss..did you mean it?
Me:Because i saw you kissed Ashley..(as a tear went down my face).
Ethan:(wipes off my tear) Hey it's ok,I'm here for you now..(kisses my cheek).I love you Lucy..
Me:"Love you too Ethan.But we won't see each other that much anymore..
Ethan:Why?! (with a sad tone).
Me:Ethan..I'm on depression..
Ethan:No! (as he started crying).How ?!
Me:You've broke my heart Ethan,and I know I broked your heart too so in order to keep us happy,I think it's best for us if we just stayed friends..I'm sorry..(as I started tearing up)."
I got up of the bench and started walking away when suddenly I felt someone holding my waist.I turned around,and Ethan directly kissed me.I continued kissing him because I knew we couldn't feel like this ever again..
We later stopped and looked at each other as we gave each other a tight hug.
I went back to the hospital before my mom got there and texted the girls to come over..
The girls went to the hospital and I told them what happened earlier at the park with Ethan.
Emily:Awh,I'm sorry babe it must be hard for you..
Me:Yeah,especially if my mom doesn't want me to see him again..I think I'll tell her how I feel about him.Hopefully she'll understand..
Emily:Thats the spirit!"
1 hour later,my mom arrives at the hospital.
Mom:"Hey sweetie,how do you feel ?
Me:Good,mom I wanna see Ethan again..
Emily:Marie,Lucy went to the park earlier to talk to him.
Me:Yes!! I love him mom!!
Mom:But he broked your heart.
Me:So did I,but that's what humans do.They make mistakes and we forgive them.Please let me see him again!
Mom:Are you happy with him?
Me:Happier than I've ever been before!
Mom:Alright then,as long as you're happy,I'm happy for you!
Me:Thank you so much mom! (as I gave her a kiss on the cheek)."
I quickly ran to Ethan's place.
At the Dolan house..
Door bell rings..
Ethan:"I'll get it!"
I saw Ethan opening the door as I leaned on him for a hug.
Ethan hugged me back and said:
Ethan:Love you more!!
Mrs Dolan saw us hugging as she smiled and said:
Mrs Dolan:"Ethan?"
I untangle myself from Ethan and we both approached her.
Ethan:"Mom meet my friend Lucy,Lucy meet my mom.
Me:Hello Mrs Dolan,nice to meet you!!

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now