Chapter 19

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Me:"My grandmother died..
Emily:Oh my god,I'm so sorry..
Me:Please take me home..
Sam:Alright,let's go.."
We went to Sam's car and drove back to my place.
Me:"Can you guys sleepover tonight?
Emily:Sure,I'll ask my mom (calls her mom).Alright,she's ok with it.
Me:What about you Sam?
Sam:Yeah,I called my mom and she said yes.
Me:"Great,I'm gonna go call the hospital to know how's my mom doing."
I called the hospital.
Me:Yes hello,I'm Lucy Verlant.Marie Verlant's daughter,I wanted to know how she's doing.
Doctor:She's fine,she just needs to stay here for a few weeks.The drugs that she took were very strong.
Me:Alright doctor,thank you.
I hung up.
Me:She's fine,she just needs to stay there for a weeks .
I received a text from Grayson:
Text: Grayson
Grayson:Hey,can I come over?I need to tell you something.. :(

Me:"You guys,Grayson wants to come over.Should I say yes?
Emily:Yeah! We could have a pajama party!! (she said dancing).
Me: Haha,alright! Should Ethan come too?
Sam:Duh,he has to come! (she said with a smirk).
Me:Alright,I'll text them.
Text: Grayson
Grayson:Hey can I come over? U need to tell you something.. :(
Me:Sure,the girls are sleeping over.Is it ok if we throw a pajama party?
Grayson:Haha,no not at all! I'll bring Ethan as well!
Me:Alright,see you guys later!
Grayson:See ya!
End of text.
Me:"Alright girls,let's get ready!
We went up to my room to change ourself into our pajamas and putted our hair in a messy bun.
10 minutes later.
Door bell rings..
I went downstairs to open the door and saw Ethan and Grayson in their pj's.
Me:"Hey guys,nice pj's (I said laughing).
Grayson:Thanks,you too!
Ethan:Hey babe! (as he gives me a hug).
Me:Come on in!"
Em and Sam saw them coming in and gave them a hug.
Sam:"You guys,let's go play "spin the bottle" !
Me:Umm,ok..(as I get really nervous).
Grayson:Um,no thank you..Lucy can we talk for a minute?
Me:Yeah sure!"
We went up to my room and sat on the bed.
Me:"What's up?"
His eyes started to get watery as he hugs me tight.
Me:"Oh my god Grayson,what's wrong?!
Grayson:Sara and I broke up..
Me:I'm sorry Grayson..(as I gave him a hug back).What happened?
Grayson:She said that she's been seeing another guy..
Me:it's ok Gray,I'm here for you..(as I gave him a kiss on the forehead).

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now