Chapter 9

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I felt butterflies in my stomach as our lips connected.But I quickly pushed him away because I didn't want to ruin our friendship and things just went way too fast..
Me:" I'm sorry,I can't do this.."
I then walked away from him,on my way to class.
3 hours later,I got out of my last class of the day.
          Text: Sam
Me: hey Sam,you done with class?
Sam:No,I'll be out in 10 minutes.
Me: ok see ya later!!
         Text: Emily
Me: Hey Em,you done ?
Emily: Yeah,I'm in the backyard.
Me: Alright,be right there!!
I went to the school's backyard and see Em sitting on a bench.
Emily:" Hey Lucy!
Me: Hey Em..(I said with a sad tone)
Emily: What's wrong babe?
Me:We'll need to wait Sam.I need to tell you guys something.."
10 minutes later,Sam meets us in the backyard.
Sam:" Hey guys,what's up?
Me: I need to tell you guys something.."
Sam sat on the bench and started listening.
Me:" Remember when i went to my locker to take my books?
Sam and Em: Yeah?
Me: Well,Ethan approached me and..
Sam: And what??
Me: Well,he..he kissed me..
Emily: So what? You guys kiss each other all the time.
Me:Em..he kissed me on the lips..
Emily: What??!!
Sam: No fricking way!!
Me:"Yes fricking way..i don't know why he did that.
Emily: He loves you Lucy..
Me: No he can't,I mean why me?There's like a hundred of girls out there begging to be his girlfriend right now.
Sam:Anyway,how was it? (she said with a smirk).
Me: Honestly,it was AMAZING!But I pushed him away..
Sam: Why?!
Me: Because I didn't want to ruin our friendship and things just went way too fast,I  needed to stop."
We went to the parking lot to get in Sam's car so we could go home,when suddenly I saw Ethan approaching a girl in a red Ferrari :
Girl:"Hey babe (gets out of the car and kisses Ethan on the lips)
Me:" I can't believe this!! (I ran out of the parking lot and ran towards the closest park in tears).
Ethan sees me running in tears,and runs after me..
Ethan:"Lucy wait!!"
He runs faster and grabs my chest as he turns me around.I was so pissed that I ended up punching him in the face but he then grabs me again as I tried to leave and hugged me tight.I wanted to escape his embrace but I couldn't because he was way too strong and his hugs are just so calming so I couldn't help it as I cried on his shoulder..
Ethan:" Let it out Lucy,it's ok to be mad (as he kisses my forehead).
Me: I cried even harder)."
Em and Sam found us sitting on the sidewalk and grabs me away from Ethan.
Sam:"It's ok babe,I'm here..(hugs me tight as I cried my eyes out).
Emily:Ethan go home,we'll take care of her..
Ethan:No!!I'm not leaving her!!

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