Chapter 20

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Grayson:"I can't believe she would do this to me..
Me:I know it's hard,but you'll get over it soon.I promise..(as I wipe off his tears).
Grayson:We should probably join the others downstairs..
Me:Alright,let's go."
We went downstairs to join the others.
Ethan:"Are you ok bro?
Me:it's ok Grayson..(as I rub my hand on his lower back)."
We then played lots of video games such as: Just Dance,Mario Kart and WII party.Afterwards we watched comedy movies.
11 pm.
Ethan:Alright you guys,we gotta go.
I gave Ethan and Grayson a hug goodbye.
Me:"Bye you guys!
Ethan:Bye babe! (as he kisses my cheek)."
They then went back home.
Sam:"Since when did Ethan called you "babe"? (she asked with a smirk).
Emily: Yeah (she said with a smirk).
Me:Well,we sorta have been dating.
Sam:Aww,cuties!! (she said smiling).
Me:But I feel bad for Grayson..
Me:Sara and him broke up.He said that she's been seeing another guy..
Sam:Poor Grayson..
Emily:Yeah,he seemed very happy with her.
Sam:Come on you guys,let's go to bed.
We then went to bed..
Sunday morning..
We woke up,took a shower,got dressed and head out for breakfast.
Me:"So where do you guys wanna eat?
Sam:Let's go eat at the urban cafe!
Emily:I'm down,what' bout you Lucy?
Me:Alright,let's go!"
We went to the urban cafe and enjoyed our meal.
Sam:"So,for how long have you guys been dating?
Me:About 2 days.He asked me out at the beach 2 days ago.And I also invited him to come to Paris with me for my aunt's wedding!
Emily:Oh my god,aunt Julie is getting married?!
Me:Yeah,me and my mom are their bridesmaids!!
Sam:You're so lucky! Wish I could come with you!
Me:Sorry you guys,I wish I could bring all of you but sadly I can only bring one person..
Emily:it's ok,I wanted you to invite Ethan anyway (she said with a smirk).
Me:Haha,shut up!!"
We enjoyed our breakfast and head to the hospital.
Me:"How is she doctor?
Doctor:She's getting better,don't worry.You may go see her if you want.
Me:Thank you doc.Do you guys want to come in with me?
Sam:Sorry babe,but we have to go.
Me:You guys suck! (as I gave them a hug goodbye)."
Em and Sam went out as Sam was texting Ethan.
Text: Ethan
Sam:Meet us at the park in 15 minutes!!
Ethan:Alright,I'm on my way!!

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now