Chapter 38

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Emily:"Did Ethan gave you this necklace? (she said grabs the charm on my necklace).
Me: Yeah he did,he asked me to be his girlfriend at Julie's wedding.
Emily:(yawns) Well,I'm going back home.Its already midnight.
Sam: Yeah me too.
Me: Ok,goodnight girls!
Em and Sam: Night! "
They went back home as I got ready for bed.
I'm in holidays since the 20th of October and school starts on November 4th so I didn't need to wake up early in the morning.
The next morning: it's Halloween.
Me:"I hate Halloween"
I got out of bed,took a shower and got dressed.I got downstairs for breakfast.
I ate some cereal when suddenly,I received at text from Ethan:
                               Text: Ethan 💖
Ethan: Morning babe,happy Halloween!
Me: Thanks,happy Halloween to you too! What are you going to be for Halloween?
Ethan: A vampire,you?
Me: Same,I guess we'll be twining! ;)
Ethan: Yep,and I'm throwing a Halloween party tonight.Wanna come?
Me: Sure,I'll bring the girls as well.
Ethan: Great,see ya later!
Me: Bye!
                       End of text
I watched horror movies for a few hours.Why you ask? Because I wanted to get in the Halloween spirit even tho I hate horror movies..
Afterwards, I did my homework because school starts in 4 days.
6 pm, I started to get ready for the party : I wore a sexy black dress,red lipstick,light blue eye contacts,fake vampire teeth and did a smokey eye look.
I went downstairs..
Mom:"OH MY GOD!!
Me: Mom chill,it's just me.
Mom: You scared me!
Me: I know,I'm in the Halloween spirit.By the way,I'm going to a party at Ethan's.
Mom: Alright,have you done your homework?
Me: Yep.
Mom: Alright then,have fun! And try not to drink somebody's blood ok?
Me: Haha,I won't."
I went to the girls house..
Sam:"Damn girl,you look sexy! (she said with a smirk).
Emily: I bet all eyes will be in you!
Me: Haha,no!"
Sam was dressed like a pirate and Em was dressed like a cat.
We then went to Ethan's place.
At the Dolan house..
Knock at the door.
Grayson:"I'll get it!"
He opens the door and sees us in our costumes.
Grayson:"Hey girls,nice costumes! (he said smiling).
Me: Thanks,you too!"
Grayson was also dressed like a pirate.I guess him and Sam will be twining.
Sam:"Hey babe! (as she kissed him)."
We got in and I saw hundreds of people from my neighborhood.
Ethan:"Hey,you guys made it!"
He honestly looked incredibly sexy.
Me:"Hey babe! (as I gave him a hug)."
He untangles from me and looks me up and down.
Ethan:"You look hot! (he said smiling).
Me: Thanks,so do you! (I said with a smirk)."
We started enjoying the party by dancing.I then saw Mr and Mrs Dolan walking towards us dressed as zombies.
Mrs Dolan:"Hey Lucy!
Me: Hey Mrs Dolan!
Mrs: How are you sweetie?
Me: I'm good,thanks for asking."
Mr and Mrs Dolan started hitting the dance floor with us.

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