Chapter 28

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                         Text: Ethan 💖
Me:Hey babe :)
Ethan:Hey,what's up?
Me:Did you pack your stuff for Paris yet?
Me:Because we're leaving in 3 days!
Ethan:What,already?! I'll start packing my stuff.
        End of text.
I got dressed and head out shopping with my mom.
Me:"So where are we going?
Mom:We're going to "Miranda's wedding dresses".
Me:Isn't that the most expensive brand of bridal clothes?
Mom:Yes it is,but I wanted us to wear something fancy for the "after party".
Me:Alright,do you have enough money?
Me:Alright,let's go shopping!"
We went to "Miranda's wedding dresses" and tried out hundreds of dresses until we found the perfect one for the both of us.
After shopping,we went for dinner at a Japanese restaurant and we ordered our food.
Me:"I'm so happy that we're going in Paris!!
Mom:Me too,it's such a beautiful city!"
We finished our meal when suddenly I saw the chef walking towards us with a cake in his hands as he sang "Happy birthday" with some other employees that were next to him.He puts the cake on our table and I made a wish as I blowed the candles.
Me:Thanks everyone! (I said smiling)."
After dinner,we head back home.
Me:"Mom,I'm going to bed.
Mom:Alright,good night sweetie!
Me:Good night mom!"
I took a shower and put on my pajamas when suddenly I received a text from Ethan:
                          Text: Ethan 💖
Ethan:Good night babe,happy birthday! :).
Me:Thanks,good night! :)
              End of text
I put my phone down on my nightstand and head to bed.
3 days later,we're going to Paris!
Me:"Yay! I can't wait! I got my suitcase ready and my " after party" dress as well."
I got out of bed,took a shower and wore some comfy clothes because our flight us in 5 hours so I had to get ready fast.I took my suitcase and went downstairs for breakfast.
Me:"Mom,are you up?!
Mom:I'm in the shower,I'll be out soon!
Me:Alright,I'm making ourselves some food!
Mom:Ok,thanks sweetie!"
I made us a fruit salad and some orange juice.
My mom then gets out for breakfast.
Mom:"Thank you sweetie! (she said smiling).
Me:Your welcome mom!"
We ate our food when suddenly I received a text from Ethan:
         Text: Ethan 💖
Ethan:Hey babe,you done packing?
Me:Yep,I can't wait!
Ethan:Me too,see ya at the airport!
Me:See ya! ❤️
        End of text.
1 hour later,we checked if we had everything we needed and went to the airport.The boys and the girls met us there to say goodbye.
Sam:Hey babe..(as a tear went down her face).
Me:It's ok Sam,I'm just leaving for a few days (as I hugged her tightly).
Sam:It's gonna feel like forever.
Me:I promise it won't."
I gave Grayson and the girls goodbye and so did Ethan and my mom.We went through all the check points and arrived to the waiting room.Our flight was departing in an hour so I took a nap resting my head on Ethan's shoulder as he slowly falls asleep on my head.
1 hour later it was time for us to get in the plane.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now