Chapter 30

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After 30 minutes of chilling in the hot tub,I hear my phone ringing.I got out of the water,dried myself with a towel and answered it.
         Call: Mom
Me:Hey mom
Mom:Hey,where are you?
Me:I'm at the hot tub with Ethan,why?
Mom:It's getting late sweetie,you guys need to get some sleep,we have a big day tomorrow.
Me:Alright mom.
       End of call
Ethan gets out of the water and covers himself with a towel.
Ethan:"What's up?
Me:My mom wants us to get some sleep,we have a big day tomorrow.
Ethan:Yeah it's already 11 pm.Lets go."
We took our stuff and head back to our room.We both took a shower,I wore my pajamas and Ethan was actually in his underwear.
Me:"Um,mind wearing some pants?
Ethan:Why,you don't like seeing me half naked? (he asked with a smirk).
Me:Nope,now go put on some pants!
We wears a sweatpants.
Me:Much better,thank you"
We tucked ourselves under the sheets and turned off the lights.I move away from Ethan because he was laying too close to me but he continued coming closer to me.Before falling out of the edge,he quickly grabs my waist pulling me against his chest.
Ethan:" Don't move,if you move again I'll take off my pants!"
I turned myself facing him and pushed his chest making him fall off the bed.
He gets up,goes on the bed and stars tickling me.
Ethan:Say you're sorry!!"
Instead of saying anything,I kissed him.He stops to ticks me as he kisses me back.We stopped and tucked ourselves into the sheets as we went to sleep.Before I knew it,Ethan was cuddling me in his sleep.
The next morning,my alarm goes off..
7 am.
We both woke up..
Ethan:"Morning beautiful (he said smiling).
Me:Morning (as I kissed his forehead).
We both got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush out teeth.
Ethan:"Can I go in the shower first?
Me:Yeah sure,go ahead."
I got out of the bathroom so he could take his shower and I went to pick out my outfit.
10 minutes later,Ethan gets out of the shower.
Ethan:Alright,it's your turn."
I went to the shower.
30 minutes later,I got out.
Ethan:"Finally You take forever to get ready!
Me:What can I say? I just like to annoy you! (I said with a smirk)."
Ethan:Ugh,girls are so complicated!
Me:Ugh,boys are so complicated! ( I said laughing)."
We met my mom at the lobby.
Mom:"Good morning,how are you guys?
Ethan:We're good,thank you.What about you?
Mom:It was terrible,my neighbors were so noisy last night.I guess they were having-
Me:Ok mom,no need to tell us more details..Can we just go get breakfast? I'm starving!
Mom:Alright,let's go."
We went out for breakfast.Afterwards we went to the "Sheraton" hotel.

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