Chapter 4

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Nurse:"I'm sorry,but considering your condition and your healing you must stay at home for a few days.I'll talk to the principal about it.Im gonna call your parents so they can pick you up."
Well as you can see,this was the worst "first day of school" ever!!
30 minutes later,my mom arrived at school..
Mom:"Oh my god honey,what happened?! (tears went down her face)
Me:"I'm okay mom,I really am.."
The principal approached us and said:"Miss,your daughter has been beaten up by a student this morning so I want her to take a few days off"
Mom:"Thank you sir
Principal:"No problem,just take care of yourself,alright darling?"
Me:" Alright sir,i will"
My mom and I went back home and I immediately took a nap.
1 hour later..
I woke up from my nap and checked my phone to see if I got any missed calls or texts.
Text: Sam
Sam: Omg girl,where have u been?!
Me:Come over,and bring Em as well,I'll tell you guys what happened..
Sam: Alright,I'm on my way!! See ya later ❤️
Me: See ya!! 😘
End of text
10 minutes later.
My door bell rings..
I quickly went downstairs to open the door.
Sam:"Hey girlfriend!!OMG what happened to your face?!
Emily:"Yeah seriously,what happened?!
Me: Hey guys,come on in I'll tell you all about it in my room.."
We all went up to my room as i explained everything to them.
First about Grayson,then about that bitch and finally,about Ethan.
Sam:"No fucking way!!
Me: Yes fucking way!
Emily:"Did that bitch seriously just punched you in the face because you talked to Grayson earlier?!
Sam:"Luckily Ethan was there to save you! (she said with a smirk).
Me:Yeah he's incredibly sweet and extremely HOT!!
Sam and Em:Hahaha (laughed with a smirk)
Me:Oh shut up!! ( I said laughing)
Emily:"So now what?
Me: I have to stay at home for a few days..
Sam:"Awh,I really wanted to be with you babe..(with a sad tone)
Me: It's ok,I'll be fine (as I kissed her forehead).Well the nurse didn't say I wasn't allowed to hang out with you guys! So shall we go shopping tomorrow?!
Em and Sam:"YASS!!"

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