Chapter 17

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At dinner..
Grayson:"So are you guys dating? (he asked with a smirk).
Me:Yeah we are! (I said smiling)."
I looked at Cameron's face and saw that bruise that Ashley gave her.
Me:"Cameron,how did you get that bruise?
Cameron:Ashley punched me on the face yesterday.
Me:That girl just can't keep her hands to herself!
Ethan:Wait,you know Ashley?!
Me:Yes,she bullied me back in middle school..(I put my hair back to show him the bruise that Ashley gave me in middle school).She strangled me so hard that I nearly died..
Ethan:I'm so sorry..(rubs his hand on my bruise).
Cameron:Oh my god,I'm sorry.Have you seen her ever since?
Me:No,and I never will!
Ethan:So tell me something about yourself.
Me:Well,I have an older brother named Aaron and a single mom.
Grayson:What happened to your dad?
Me:My real dad died 5 years ago of lung cancer.However,my step dad is in jail for 1 to 2 years."
Ethan holds my hand as a tear went down my face.
Grayson:"I'm so sorry,I didn't mean to bring it up to you..
Me:it's ok Grayson (I said smiling).But other than that,I'm very happy with my mom.She might be young,but she needs me as much as I need her.
Ethan:Yeah,she looks just like you! (he said smiling).By the way,how old is she?
Me:She's 38 years old.
Ethan:Wow,and how old are you?
Me:I'm 15,turning 16 next month.But enough about me,tell me something about you guys!
Mrs Dolan:Well,we're a very happy family!Cameron's only here for a few days because she's going to college soon!
Me:Wow! Congrats Cameron!! (I said smiling).
Cameron:"Thank you! (she said smiling).
We then had an amazing time with Ethan's family.I honestly like I was with my own family!
10 pm.
Me:"Sorry you guys,I have to go before my mom gets mad.But thank you for everything,the food was amazing!
Mrs Dolan:You're welcome dear,it was very nice meeting you!
I gave everyone a hug goodbye and Ethan takes me home.
Ethan:We're here,have a good night princess!
Me:Since when did you call me princess?
Ethan:Since now,why you don't like it when I call you princess?
Me:No,I love it! (as I gave him a kiss on the cheek).Good night Ethan!
Ethan:Good night! "
I then went inside as I saw my mom laying on the sofa in tears..
Me:"Mom,what's wrong?
Mom:Nothing sweetie,I'm just really tired.."
She then walks in her room.
Me:"I wonder what's wrong.."
I then got ready for bed when suddenly I received a text from Ethan :
Text:Ethan 💖
Ethan:Hey I can't sleep,what you up to?
Me:I'm just getting ready for bed.Can we go out tomorrow?
Ethan:Sure,where to? :)
Me:Um,maybe at the beach?
Ethan:Alright,see ya tomorrow!Love ya princess! ❤️
Me:Love you too,good night!❤️
Ethan:Good night!
End of text

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