Chapter 41

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The girls then arrived at my place..
Knock at the door.
I opened the door and saw my friends.
Sam:"Hey girlfriend!
Emily: Hey!
Lucy: Hey girls,come on in."
We went up to my room and sat on the bed.
Emily:"So what's up?
Lucy: I uh..broke up with Ethan..
Sam: What,why?!
Lucy: Our relationship was getting too painful because of me..I couldn't stand getting hurt anymore..( as a tear went down my face).
Emily: I know it's hard after all the hurt you received,but it's for the best.
Lucy: Yeah..I guess..
Sam: We're here for you if you need us (as she hugs me).
Lucy: Thanks Sam (as I hugged her back)."
At the Dolan house..
Ethan P.O.V.
Why leave when she still loves me?..After all,she does need some space after all she's been through..I miss her so much..
There was a knock at Ethan's bedroom door..
Ethan:"Who is it?
Grayson: It's me (he said through the door)."
Ethan gets up and opens the door.
Ethan:"What do you want?
Grayson: Are you ok?
Ethan: No.."
Grayson gives Ethan a big hug.
Grayson:"You'll get over it,I promise.
Ethan: No I can't,she's the best thing that's ever happened to me Grayson..I don't know what I'll do without her..
Grayson: I know Ethan.."
Grayson untangles himself from Ethan and wipes off his brother's tears.
Grayson:"What do you say we go out tonight?
Ethan: A-alright.."
At Lucy's place..
1 pm.
Sam:"Guys let's go get some lunch,I'm starting to get hungry.
Lucy: Haha,alright."
We then to a cafe for lunch.I wasn't feeling good after my breakup so I didn't feel like eating.
Emily:"Lucy,everything ok?
Lucy: Yeah,why?
Emily: You're not eating anything.
Lucy: I'm not that hungry.."
The girls looked at me and notices that something was wrong.
Sam:"It's Ethan,isn't it?
Lucy: Umm..
Emily: Yeah it is,why don't you go talk to him?
Lucy: Um I don't know,maybe because we just broke up!
Emily: Woah Lucy,chill.
Lucy: Sorry..I just feel bad for what I did..
Emily: It's for the best Lucy.
Lucy: Yeah,I guess you're right.."
After lunch,we went back home.
At Lucy's place..
I got into some comfy clothes and watched some movies while eating some chips.
At Emily's house..
Emily:"Now that they've broke up,it's time for me to shine."
Emily goes to Ethan's place.
At the Dolan house..
Knock at the door.
Ethan:"I'll get it!"
He opens the door and sees Emily.
Ethan:"Hey Em,what's up?
Emily: Hey Ethan,can I come in?
Ethan: Um sure,"
Emily gets in his house and they both went to his room.
Ethan:"So what's up?
Emily: I heard that you guys broke up (as she slowly take  off her shirt).
Ethan: Um Em..what are you doing??!"
She takes off her pants and pins Ethan down on the bed.
Emily:"Shh,I know you want me Ethan..just go with it..(as she slowly kisses his neck).
Ethan: Emily no stop! (as he pushes her away).

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