Chapter 23

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Monday morning at 8 am.
I woke up,took a shower,got dressed and had breakfast.
1 hour later..
Me:" Only have one more hour until the tutor comes.What shall I do in the meantime? I'll just watch a movie."
I put on a movie and made some popcorn.
1 hour later.
Knock at the door..
I turned off the tv and opened the door.
Man:"Hello,are you Lucy? (he asked with a smile).
Me:Yes,I am.You must be the tutor.
Tutor:Yes I am,may I come in?
Me:Yes of course!"
He comes in and we install our stuff in my room and start the lessons.
12 am.
Tutor:"Alright Lucy,let's take a break.I'm gonna go out to eat,see you in an hour.
Me:See you later sir!"
He goes out for lunch as I went to the kitchen and some some lasagna.I went to continue the movie as I was eating my meal.
I then received a text from text:
Text: Sam
Sam:Hey girlfriend,wanna go out this afternoon? :)
Me:Yeah sure,where to?
Sam:Let's go to the beach! I'll bring Em and the guys over as well!
Me:Alright,see ya later!! :)
Sam:See ya!! ❤️
End of text
1 hour later,the tutor comes back and we continue our lessons.
3 hours later,I finish school,put on my bathing suit and packed my beach bag.
Sam arrived with Em and the guys.We head to the beach..
We arrived to the beach and putted our bags on the sand.We took off our clothes revealing ourselves in our bathing suits.
Ethan:"Nice boob-I mean nice bikini babe! (looking nervous).
I was then focused on his amazing abs.
Ethan:"Hey,I saw that! (he said smiling).
Me:Umm..what are you talking about? (as I quickly look into his eyes).
Ethan:Weirdo (he said smiling).
Sam:Come on guys,let's go swim!"
Grayson and the girls ran to the sea as I tried to catch up with them but I was too slow so Ethan carried me as he ran towards the sea.
Me:"Um Ethan,what are you doing?
Ethan:What does it look like I'm doing?
Me:I have legs for a reason,ya know?
Ethan:I know,but I'm tired if seeing you running like a snail. (he said smiling).
Me:I do not run like a snail! (as I lightly hit his chest)."
We got in the water and joined the others.
Grayson:"What took you guys so long?
Ethan:Lucy was running like snail so I carried her here."
I splashed some water on Ethan.
Me:"I do not!
We spend an hour in the water talking and laughing about everything.We then got out for a walk as I saw Grayson flirting with Sam.
Ethan:"So I see you're flirting with Sam! (he said smiling).
Grayson:Um..yeah.. (as he started to blush).
Me:CUTIES!! (I yelled).
Sam:Oh shut up!! (she said laughing).
We later took the guys back home and head back to my place.

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