Chapter 51

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He takes out a knife out of his pockets and points it on my waist.

"Move one more time, and you're dead" he said.

"Aaron please stop.." I begged.

"Never, you're not my sister and you never will".

"Than what am I?"

"You're just a piece of-"

He was cut off by Ethan hitting him on the back of the head. Making him faint and drop the knife.

"Bitch" Ethan said looking at Aaron.


"Are you ok?" He asked caressing my cheek.

"Um yeah..I'm fine" I said taking his hand off my cheek.

"Lucy!" Grayson yelled.

I turned around and saw Grayson with tears in his eyes.

"Grayson" I said walking towards him and gave him a hug.

"You scared me" he said rubbing my back.

"I'm fine gray, don't worry" I said kissing his forehead.

"Humm humm!!" A heard someone murmured behind me.

I soon felt a massive pain on my waist as I slowly fainted.

"Lucy!" Grayson shouted shocked.

Aaron stabbed me on my waist and knocked out Ethan.

"You little piece of shit!" Grayson shouted tackling Aaron to the ground.

A person saw the situation and immediately called the cops.

Grayson P.O.V.
Today was the scariest moment of my life, I got beaten up but worst of all..I saw my best friend getting stabbed..
The cops sent Aaron to jail and sent Ethan and Lucy to the hospital.
Ethan later woke up but Lucy's still in her room. Doctor says that she might not make it, god don't make her leave me!
I'm now sitting in the waiting room crying my eyes out in the arms of my brother.

"Grayson and Ethan Dolan?" The nurse asked.

"Yes that's us" I said. "Is she ok?!"

A tear went down her face..

"Sir, I think it's best if I didn't tell you".

"That's my best friend in there! So don't fucking tell me not to know how she's doing!"

"Sir, calm down"


"Gray.." He said hugging me.

"Get off me!!" I said untangling myself from him.

I started to cry even harder trying not think what happened to her.

"She's gone, isn't she?"



"We don't know yet, but we found this in her purse.." She said handing me a few pieces of paper.

There were two papers writing "Grayson" and a another writing "Ethan" on it..

"Dear Grayson..
I don't even know why I decided to write this to you but..
You're probably reading this when I'm gone..

I just wanted to let you know that you're the most amazing friend that I ever had in my life. One day if I'm still alive, I'll die and meet my mother back in heaven.
So don't cry when you'll be at my funeral, smile because all of my pain has finally left my soul. And one day, you'll have little monsters running around and hopefully having Sam as your wife. Make her happy for me please..
Because I probably won't see her again..
I love you so much Grayson Dolan, continue your journey without me and continue it with a special someone.
I love you..

A tear went down my face.

"I need to see her.."

"I'm afraid we can't do that sir, Lucy's in a serious condition right now-"

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! THATS MY BEST FRIEND IN THERE!!" Please..just let me see her.." I said crying.

The nurse looked at me and took a deep breath.


She took me in Lucy's room..

Ethan P.O.V.
I'm in the hospital hoping that Lucy is still alive..god I don't what I'll do without her.
I opened the folded paper that the nurse gave me..

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now