Chapter 35

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We got out for breakfast and head to the museum.
5 hours later..
Me:"You guys,let's go get some lunch.
Mom:Yeah,let's go."
We went to a cafe and had lunch.
Me:"Mom,do you know why Aaron is on drugs?
Mom:No..but you know most teenagers do this kind of stuff.
Me: I know, and I wonder who is his girlfriend.
Mom:Isn't it Emily?
Me:No,they broke up.Aaron cheated in her..
Mom:Oh my..poor Emily..
Me: I know,I feel so bad for her.."
After lunch,we decided to visit a popular church near by.We saw the beautiful architecture and decorations.
5 hours later..
7 pm.
We went to a restaurant for dinner..
Mom:"So who are you going to bring at Ariana Grande's concert?
Me:Well,I'm going there with the girls but I'll still have one more ticket to give and i don't know who else to bring.Do you wanna come with us Ethan ?
Ethan: I would love to but pop music isn't really my type of music.
Me: Mom?
Mom:Sorry, I can't.I have a really important work shift at the moment.
Me:Um ok,maybe Abby (Sam's younger sister) would want to come.
Mom:I'm sure she will."
After dinner,we went back to the hotel and got ready for bed.
After getting into my pajamas,I received a call from Sam.
Call: Sam
Sam:Hey babe,what's up?
Me:Everything's great! I miss you so much!
Sam:I miss you too,so how's the "city of love"?
Me:It's amazing! Julie's wedding was incredible!!
Sam:Lucky you! What else happened?
Me:Well,I saw my cousin Alice,went to the "Love Bridge" after the wedding,visited the popular church and museum.
Sam:Oh my god,send me some pictures!!
Me:Alright,but that's not all..
Sam:Really? What else?
Me:Ethan and I are officially a couple!
Sam: No way!
Me: Yes way!! He gave me this beautiful necklace with the letter "E" for "Ethan" on it.And uh..
Sam: And?
Me: Well..we were in the same room during the trip.
Sam:No fucking way!!! You guys haven't had-
Me:No!! We just normally cuddled in bed,that's all.What about you and Grayson?
Sam:It's going great! He's honestly the best guy I've ever met!
Me: Aww,I'm so happy for you girlfriend!!
Sam:Thanks! Well,I gotta go,talk to you later!
End of call
Ethan:"Who was it?
Me:It was Sam,she wanted to know how I was going.
Ethan: Ok,is she and Grayson getting along better?
Me:Yeah,they are.Well,I'm going to bed."
I got into the sheets as Ethan joins me and went to sleep.
The next morning..
8 am.
We both woke up and got ready.
We then joined my mom at the lobby.
Mom:"Good morning kids!
Me:Morning mom!
We went to a cafe for breakfast.

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