Chapter 47

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Lucy P.O.V.
My cheek was then on fire. A tear went down my face.

"Get out of my face you bitch!!" Aaron yelled.

I didn't move, I just stood there with a burned cheek. Aaron started to punch me in the face making me fall.

"Aaron stop!!" Sara said pulling him away from me.
Aaron escaped from Sara's embrace and started to kick me on my waist.

"Ow!" I shouted.

"Aaron no stop!" She said pulling him.

Aaron turned around facing Sara and hit her on the face making her faint on the floor.
He carries her to his car and lefts me on the floor.
I slowly tried to get up to get my phone on the dining table. I then quickly called Grayson..

Grayson P.OV.
"Ring ring ring!" My phone rang.

"Babe, can you check who's calling me?"

"Sure" Sam replied.

She takes my phone..

"It's Lucy" she said.



"I'm not in the mood to deal with her right now"

"Um..alright". She ignores Lucy's call.

Lucy P.O.V.
God dammit Grayson! Why won't you answer my calls?! Fine, I'll just call Sam..

Sam P.O.V.
"Ring ring ring" my phone rang.

"Who is it?" Grayson asked.

"It's Lucy" I replied.

"Are you going to answer?"


"Sam..please help me.."

"Oh my god babe, what's wrong?! Talk to me!"

"I'm dying..please help.."

"Girl I'm on my way!"

End of call..

"Grayson,bring me to Lucy's place!"


"Just do it god dammit!"

He then rushes to Lucy's house..
As we arrived, I saw her laying on the floor with her phone in her hands.

"Oh my god Lucy!" as I ran towards her.

"Sam.." She murmured.

"Hang on, I'll call help." As I called 911.

"991, what's seems to be the problem?"

"Help! My friend's hurt really bad!"

"Alright ma'am,calm down help is on the way".
She hangs up..

"Grayson!! Help!!" I shouted.

He gets in house and opens his eyes wide as he sees Lucy laying on the floor.

"Lucy what happened?!" He said waking towards her.

"Just put her on the couch" I said.

He carefully carries Lucy and lays her on the couch.

"Ouch" she said.

"I'm sorry, am I hurting you?" Grayson asked.

"A waist hurts.."

"Hold on,help is on their way" he said caressing my forehead.

She soon blacked out.

Lucy P.O.V.
"Dylan stop running everywhere!" I shouted.

"Haha, sorry mommy" he said smiling as he stops to run.

"It's ok, just be carefully nest time. The street is very dangerous especially if you run everywhere."

"Alright mommy" he said kissing my chin.

"I love you baby" I said smiling.

"Love you too mommy!" He said hugging me.

"Hey babe" Ethan said kissing me.

"There you are! Where have you been?"

"I've been staying at Grayson's last night."


                    ~End of dream~

I woke up in a hospital bed with stitches all over my waist. And I saw Sam sitting on a chair crying her eyes out in front of me in Grayson's arms.

"Sam?" I murmured.

Sam looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Lucy you're awake!" She said running towards me giving me a hug.

"Yeah I'm awake.."

"Are you alright?" Grayson asked.


The door opened..

"Hello, are you guys responsible for Lucy?" The doctor said.

"No, we're her friends" Sam said.

"Well, I want someone to take care of her for a few days. Her waist is swollen so she might have trouble walking."

"I'll take of her" Grayson said.

"Really?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I'll do anything to keep my best friend safe" he said looking at me with a smile.

"Thanks gray.." I said smiling.

"Very well then, I want her to take theses painkillers twice a day until she gets better" the doctor said handing Grayson a container of painkillers.

"Alright sir" he said.

We then brought Sam back home..

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now