Chapter 3

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As soon as I blacked out and fainted I could feel students kicking me on my head and waist as they walked by.I could also hear a bunch of girls laughing beside me..
I slowly opened my eyes and I could feel like I was being carried and turned my head so I could see who it was but I couldn't cuz my neck hurted so bad and everything was blurry.I slowly fell asleep..
Me:"Uh,my head.."
I opened my eyes and luckily I could see everything normal again.I then saw a guy in front of me.
Guy:"Thank god you're awake!Are you okay?!"
Me:"No,my whole entire body hurts.."
Guy:"Ok relax I'll call the nurse."
5 minutes later..
Guy:" The nurse is on her way,don't worry (kisses my forehead)"
Me:"Who are you ?And why am I here?"
Guy:"I'm Ethan aka Grayson Dolan's twin brother,I saw you laying on the floor in the hall so I brought you here"
Me:" Thank you,that's very sweet of you".
Ethan:"Get some sleep while the nurse is on her way,you'll feel better"( rubs his hand on my cheek and kisses my forehead)."
The nurse enters the room..
Nurse:"Hello young lady,how may I help you?
Ethan:"Hello ma'am,this girl has bruises and scars all over her body (lifts my shirt up and pulls my shorts down)."
I honestly didn't care about Ethan doing that because the nurse needed to see my bruises anyway.But what shocked me is that he was not feeling weird or anything while doing it!!
Nurse:"Oh my!You have bruises everywhere!! (opened her eyes wide).Alright sir,I need you to leave so I can take care of her."
Ethan looked pretty upset about it,I could tell just by looking in his beautiful hazel eyes..but he left anyway.
Nurse:"what's your name,dear?
Me: Lucy...
Nurse:"Alright Lucy,I want you to take these painkillers once or twice a day depending on your condition (gives me a container of painkillers) and I want you to stay at home for a few days."
Me:" What?!No I can't,it's my first day of school I can't just skip it..It's really important to me..

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now