Chapter 13

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Me:"Oh okay..(a tear went down my face).
Emily:Are you ok babe?
Me:No..(I started crying)."
Em and Sam came to me and gave me a tight hug.
Sam:"Shh,it's okay..
Me: I don't even know why I'm reacting like this..I did pushed him away so I guess I broke his heart too..
Emily:You might've broken his heart but you wanted to take things slow.And Ethan needs to understand that.
Me: I know,but we haven't spoked for days..
Sam: Babe,do you still have feelings for him?
Me: Um,I don't know..maybe..yes I do..
Emily:Oh my gosh!!You still have feelings for him?! (she said smiling).
Me:Yes I do,but I can't.He loves Ashley now,and I don't think my mom will be okay with this.."
The doctor comes in.
Doctor:"I'm sorry ladies,but visiting hours are over.You must leave."
Em and Sam gave me a kiss and left..
Back at Ashley's house..
Ashley:"So Ethan,what do you say we become official?
Ethan: Official what?
Ashley:Well,if we're officially a couple!!I mean we've been dating for almost 2 years and you still haven't took me to dinner at your place!!
Ethan: Okay fine,we're official!And if you want we can go eat at my place tonight!!
Ashley: YAY!! (hugs Ethan as she kisses him)."
Ethan then leaves her house so she can get ready for tonight.
Ashley:"I think I'm gonna wear something sexy and hot tonight!!
She gets ready :takes a shower,puts on 3 pounds of makeup and wears a sexy dress.
1 hour later,Ethan picks up Ashley.
Ashley:"Hey babe,what do you think? (spins around to show him her dress).
Ethan: Yeah,um,you look great (with a disgusted face).
Ashley: Thank you,let's go!!"
They both got in Ethan's car and drove to his place.
Ethan:" Mom,dad,I'm home !
Mrs Dolan:Hey honey,who's this?(opens her eyes wide as she looks at Ashley dress).
Ethan:Mom meet Ashley,Ashley meet my mom..
Ashley: Nice to meet you Mrs Dolan ! (she said smiling).
Mrs Dolan:Honey,we have a visitor!! (Yells at her husband who is upstairs).
Mr Dolan:Coming!! (runs downstairs).Hello there,nice to meet you !
Ashley:Nice to meet you too Mr Dolan !"
Grayson,Sara and Cameron (their sister) walks in the living room noticing Ashley.
Grayson:Oh,hey Ashley..
Ashley: Hey Grayson!!
Grayson: Whatever.."
Grayson and Sara went up to his room.
Cameron:"Hey I'm Cameron,their older sister (she said smiling).
Ashley:HAHAHA,WHAT ARE THOSE?!Those white vans are so old fashioned!! (she said laughing).
Cameron:No it's ok Ethan,nice dress Ashley !!
Ashley:I know right?! Your outfit is ugly as fuck!! (she said mocking).
Ethan: Ashley,shut the fuck up!!"
Cameron gives her the middle finger as Ashley punches her in the face.
Mrs Dolan:"CAMERON!!
Grayson quickly gets down and was shocked to see his sister on the ground with a bruise on her face.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now