Chapter 56

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Lucy P.O.V.
As you guys can see, yes I left LA once and for all..
I left the hospital yesterday night around 11 and went back home to pack my stuff.
I went to the airport and bought my tickets. If you're wondering where my destination is, well it's the famous city of love Paris.. My family lives there so why not visit them? Probably won't be a happy surprise..
I called my cousin Alice..

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey babe,I uh..".


"I'm going to Paris".

"OMG, when?".

"I'm at the airport right now, I'll be there in at least 24 hours".

"Oh my god I can't wait!".

"See you soon!".


End of call..

*In plane*

I couldn't stop throwing up. I can't eat anything and I feel so weak..but I used all my strength to travel to Paris.

*After flight*

I landed in Paris, took my luggage and joined Alice at the exit.

"Lucy!" She said running towards me.

"Alice!" I said hugging her.

"I missed you so much".

"I missed you too".

We went in her car as she drove me to her place.

"So what brings you here?" She asked.

"I just wanted to see you".

"Aww, Julie's gonna be so happy".

"Of course she is, I haven't seen you guys in two years".

"Yeah and I kinda hate you for that" she said with a grumpy tone.

"Sorry baby" I said kissing her cheek.

"So what about your love life?".

"I broke up with Ethan two years ago".


"It's complicated..".

"Oh, I understand..".

"What about you? Have you found your price charming yet?".

"His name is Jack".

"Jack and Alice sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!".

"How old are you, five?"

We both laughed.

"How long have you guys been together?".

"Tomorrow's our one year anniversary" she said smiling.


*After car ride*

We arrived at her house as we got in..


"Oh my god!". I said smiling.

I gave my entire family a huge hug.

"So what brings you here sweetie?" Julie asked.

"I just missed you guys so much".

"Aww, we missed you too. And I'm so sorry for what happened to your mother..".

"It's ok".

I soon felt this massive cramp in my stomach.


"Oh my god Lucy, what's wrong?!".

I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilets.

The door opened..

"Lucy?" Alice asked.

I wiped my mouth and looked at her.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing" I replied flushing the toilet.

I got out of the bathroom and joined everyone else in the living room.

"Are you sure you're ok sweetie?" Julie asked.

"Yes, don't worry. I just need to rest for a bit, I'm a bit jet lagged",

"Alright, your room is on the left upstairs".


I went up to my room and went to sleep.

Ethan P.O.V.
She left without saying's over, I'm never gonna see her again. Where could she be?

"We should ask Sam, maybe she knows where's Lucy".

"Alright" Grayson said.

We drove to Sam's house..

"Hey you guys" she said smiling.

"Hey babe" Grayson said kissing her.

"Hey Sam".

"Come on in" she said.

We sat in the living room.

"What's up?" She asked.

"We have some bad news, Lucy left the hospital yesterday night".


"And we thought maybe you had an idea where she went".

"I honestly don't know, maybe I should try calling her" she said taking her phone.

"Wait, I have a voicemail from her" she added.

"Put in on loud speaker".

"Hey Sam it's me, I just wanted to tell you that I left the hospital last night and head out to another place to live. Please don't get mad at me, I just didn't want you guys to forget me. I'll just die out here for you guys, and tell Em and the boys that I love them so much. And what ever you do, don't come back for won't be necessary. I love you".

"No..I have to find her..".

"Ethan she's gone, where else would she go? There's thousands of countries out there, how are you going to find her?" Grayson said.

"I told her that I'll do anything to get her back if she ran away, and that's what I'm going to do".

The end...

Hey guys! Alright, before u get pissed at me I just wanted to say that I'm making a part 2 of this story (which is happening in Paris). And I might do less chapters on the second one. But honestly I don't know cuz u guys never like or comment my chapters so how am I supposed to know if u guys like my story?
But anyway, I don't care u guys don't cuz il write it anyway 😏 I love writing and I always will ❤️
Peace ✌️ -Lucy

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