Chapter 14

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Cameron was then sent to the hospital.
Mrs Dolan:"My baby,please don't leave us ! (as she cried her eyes out).
Mr Dolan:She'll be fine,I promise (hugs his wife tightly).
Grayson:Cam? (he said holding her hands).
No answer..
Grayson:I love you,please don't go..(a tear went down his face).
Outside the hospital..
Ethan:"Why the fuck did you do that Ashley?! (with a mad tone).
Ashley:Excuse me?!She's the one who gave me the middle finger!!
Ethan:Well,none of this would have happened if you didn't judged her outfit in the first place!!You know what?! We're over!!"
Ethan walks in the hospital to see Cameron.
Ashley:"Ethan,no wait!!
Ethan: Fuck off!!"
He quickly gets in Cameron's room..
Ethan:"How is she?! (he said worrying).
Doctor:She's fine,she just needs to take some medicine and rest (hands mrs Dolan a bottle of medicine).Here you go ma'am,make sure she takes some everyday.
Mrs Dolan:Alright doctor.."
Cameron wakes up and opens her eyes..
Mrs Dolan:Honey,you're awake!! (hugs her tight).
Mr Dolan:We were worried to death!!
Cameron:It's ok guys,I'm fine now.
Ethan:I'm sorry cam..this was all my fault..(as a tear went down his face).
Cameron:Come here!!"
Ethan and Cameron gives each other a big hug.
Cameron:Love you lil bro! ❤️
Ethan:Love you too sis!!
Grayson:Sibling hug !"
Grayson joins them with a hug.
Mrs Dolan:Alright you little troublemakers get ready,we're going home.
The Dolans went back home..
Cameron:"You guys,I'm going to bed!!
Mrs Dolan:Alright sweetie,good night!
Cameron:Night mom!!"
In Ethan's room..
Grayson:"Why the fuck did you bring Ashley?! (with a mad tone).
Ethan: Gray,calm down jeez.We've been dating for almost 2 years so I thought it was a good time for her to meet mom and dad.
Grayson:Whatever,but if I ever see her again in our house I'll kill you!!
Ethan:Woah relax dude,I broke up with her earlier.
Ethan:Yeah,I got pissed at her since the moment she punched Cameron!
Grayson:Good move,bro.
Ethan:Thanks (he said smiling)."
Ethan then received a text:
Text:Lucy ❤️
Lucy:Hey,can we talk?

Grayson:"Who is it?
Ethan:It's Lucy,she wants to talk.
Ethan:I don't know,I'll ask her.
Text:Lucy ❤️
Lucy:Hey,can we talk?
Ethan:Sure,what about?
Lucy:About that kiss..and I won't be going to your school anymore..
Lucy:I'll tell you tomorrow,meet me at the park by 4.
Ethan:Alright,see ya tomorrow!
End of text

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