Chapter 43

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/!\ Warning: this chapter contains scary scenes so if you feel scared please don't read this chapter. You have been warned!
2 years later..
Lucy P.O.V.
It's been 2 years that me and Ethan broke up,I haven't seen him ever since but I still hang out with the girls and Grayson.Sam and Grayson have been together for 2 years and I'm beyond happy for them.Em however,is now an amazing independent woman.
We're now in college so I had to say goodbye to my high school life.But now,I live in Los Angeles California with my brother Aaron.He mostly comes at my house when he needs me by his side but other than that,he lives at his girlfriend's house who I still haven't met.We're on summer vacation for 2 months so me and Aaron decided to visit our dream destination: Hawaii.
10 am..
"Why is my alarm still on? It's freaking summer!"
I turned off my alarm,got out of bed,took a shower,did my hair and makeup,wore some high waisted skinny jeans and a black crop top.I then got downstairs for breakfast.
I was putting some bread in the toaster when suddenly,I heard footsteps coming towards me.I turned around and saw my brother in pajamas with messy hair as he rubs his right eye.
Aaron:"Morning sis (he said yawning).
Lucy: Morning,had a good night sleep? (I asked smiling)."
The bread popped out of the toaster so I picked it up,put it on a plate and started spreading Nutella on them.
Aaron: Yep,and uh..
Lucy: What? (as I put the plate on the dinning table).
Aaron: I made this crazy dream last night (as he sits down near the table and takes a bite of his toast).
Lucy: Really,what about? (as I made myself some cereal).
Aaron: You were getting married to your ex and you'd had a baby together.Mom and I were crying of joy the day we were at the hospital when you had to give birth to a beautiful baby girl."
As soon as I heard the word "mom",I dropped my spoon that I used to eat my cereal with making it fall on the ground.I quickly picked it up and sat on the table with Aaron.
Aaron:"Sis,are you ok?
Lucy: Y-yeah.."
One year earlier..
I was on my way home from the supermarket with my hands filled up with grocery bags.As I got in my house,I saw traces of blood on the floor as I dropped my grocery bags.
Lucy:"Mom?! Where are you?!"
I ran all over the house but there was no sign of her anywhere.I then received a call from an unknown number:
                            Call: Unknown
Lucy: H-hello?..(I said with a shaky voice)."
No answer...
Lucy: Hello? (I repeated)."
I heard a loud breath coming from the phone.
Unknown: She's in the backyard..
Lucy: Who is? Who are you?
Hangs up..
I went to my backyard and saw my mom laying on the ground with blood all over her body.I couldn't handle the scene,it was just too terrifying for me to watch.I walked next to her in tears,got on my knees and yelled for help.
Lucy:"Mom.please wake up!! (I said crying my eyes out).Someone please help!! Mom you can't leave me here,I need you please wake up!!! Please.."
I then felt like I was hit with a baseball bat on the back of my head.I soon fainted and heard a man's voice:
"I'm back bitches..."
I tried to slowly open my eyes but everything was blurry so I couldn't see clearly.I saw a blurry figure of a man standing in front of me putting a paper on my mom's body.
                                              ~End of flashback~
Aaron:"Lucy,are you sure you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Lucy: Yes I'm fine,don't worry."
I finished my breakfast so me and Aaron started to pack our suitcases for our trip because we were leaving in 2 days.
3 hours later..
After packing our suitcases,we both went to a cafe for lunch.We sat at a table and ordered our food.Our food arrived and I couldn't stop thinking about that night when my mom was killed.It was the scariest moment in my life.As I was enjoying my food,a hand was placed on my shoulder.I turned around and saw..

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