Chapter 7

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I saw Emily,Sam,Grayson,Ethan and the bitch entering the room.
Sam:"Lucy,are you alright?!
Me:Yeah,my eye stings a bit..
Grayson: Now,babe..
Girl:Lucy,I'm sorry for hurting you I just got jealous of how you and Grayson got along so well.I really am sorry..
Me: I get it,you were  just jealous.But next time,try not to judge a book by its cover.."
I looked at Em and I could tell she's been crying.
Me:"it's ok Em,I'm right here."
Em approached me and gave me a tight hug as she cried on my shoulder.I kissed her forehead.
Grayson:"Lucy I never meant to hurt you,even if we just met I could tell you have something special inside of you (grabs my hand and kisses my forehead).
Me: Thank you Grayson (I said smiling).Oh I've been meaning to ask you,what's your girlfriend's name?
Girl: I'm Sara
Me: Well Sara,I must say you're very lucky to have Grayson as your boyfriend.
Sara:"Thank you Lucy,you'll find your "someone special" one day.You're an amazing person,inside and out."
I was shocked to know how nice Sara was.I looked at my stitches and started crying.
Ethan:"Can you guys give us a minute?
Sam: Sure,come on guys.."
I was then left alone with Ethan.He sat on the bed,hold my hands as he kisses them softly.
Ethan:"I'm sorry..(started to cry)."
I lift my upper body towards him and wiped off his tears.
Me:"Ethan you don't need to apologize,it wasn't your fault.."
He hugs me tight as he whispered:
"I want to be here for you Lucy,I wanna keep you safe.."
It was the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my life,I wanted to kiss him so bad but I couldn't because we're not a couple..
Me:"Alright Ethan,thank you (as I smiled).
As we hugged for a while,I slowly fell asleep on his shoulder.
20 minutes later..
My mom enters the room seeing me and Ethan hugging.She stared at us as she smiles.She quietly leaves the room.
Doctor:"Are you done seeing her,ma'am?
Mom:"No,i just want her to relax first (smiles as she looks through the glass wall me and Ethan hugging).
Doctor:"Very well then,feel free to see her anytime you want.She's free to go home now.
Mom: Thanks, doctor."
15 minutes later,my mom enters the room..
Mom:"Lucy honey?"
I opened my eyes as I saw her in front of me and untangle myself from Ethan.
Me:"Hey mom.."
She approaches me and gives me a tight hug.
Mom:"Who is that sweetie? (looking at Ethan)
Me:"Mom meet my friend Ethan,Ethan meet my mom Marie.
Ethan:"Hello Marie,nice to meet you (shakes her hand)
Mom: Nice to meet you too!Lucy,get dressed we're going home.
Me: Ok"
I got out of bed and took my normal clothes.
Me:"Um Ethan,do you mind going out so I can change myself?
Ethan:Why would I?I was planning to see you naked anyway (said with a smirk)
Me: You son of a - "
I dropped my clothes and pined his upper body on the bed as I started tickling him.
Ethan:"HAHA,NO STOP!! Alright,I'll go out!!"
He gets up and leaves the room..
I quickly changed my clothes and got out.
Ethan:"I didn't know you had such nice boobs ( he said with a smirk)
Me: Excuse me?!
Ethan: The wall is see through so I could see you half naked from here (he replied laughing).
I tackled him to ground and started to tickle him harder.
Me: Say you're sorry!!
Ethan: Never!!"
I stopped and looked deeply in his eyes.
Me: Say you're fucking sorry!!!
Ethan: Alright,I'm sorry!!
We got up and started to walk to the lobby where everyone was waiting for us.

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