Chapter 21

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I went in my mom's hospital room..
Me:"Hey mom.
Mom:Hey sweetie,what did you do last night?
Me:The girls slept over and we had a pajama party together.
Mom:Ok,how are you?
Me:I'm fine.I already decided who I want to come to Paris with!
Mom:Oh really? Who? (she asked with a smile).
Me: Ethan
Mom:I knew it! Are his parents ok with it?
Me:I don't know,he didn't told me yet".
At the park..
Ethan:Hey girls!
Emily:Hey Ethan!
Ethan:So,what's up?
Sam:Lucy's bithday is coming up in a few weeks.Do you have any ideas with what we can surprise her with?
Ethan:Well,she did tell me that she really wanted to see Ariana grande live on concert.Maybe we can buy her a ticket?
Emily:How much does it cost?
Ethan:150 dollars.
Sam:What?!Thats way too expensive,we can't afford that!
Ethan:But I saw this thing on Ariana grande's Instagram page that if you record yourself singing her new song "Dangerous Woman" you might have a chance to win 4 free VIP tickets.
Emily:Great,Lucy's an amazing singer!
Sam:Yeah,but what if she doesn't win?
Ethan:We could take her to this water park she really wanted to go.And the tickets are way cheaper.
Emily:How much?
Ethan:5 dollars per person.
Sam:Alright,thanks for your help Ethan!
Ethan:Your welcome!"
Back at the hospital.
The doctor comes in..
Doctor:"Lucy,we got the results on your anxiety and you're now stable to do school at home.But I want you to take these pills once per day just in case (hands me a container of pills).
Me:Alright I will.Thanks doc.
Doctor:Your welcome.I'll leave you two alone."
Leaves the room..
Mom:" I've already hired a tutor.He'll be coming at home everyday at 10 am.
Me:Alright mom!"
I then received a text from Ethan.
Text:Ethan 💖
Ethan:Hey princess,wanna go out tonight?
Me:Sure,lemme ask my mom.

Me:"Mom can I go out with Ethan tonight?
Mom:Sure sweetie,if you need some money my purse is in my office back at home.
Me:Alright thanks mom! (as I gave her a kiss on the cheek)".
My mom usually never lets me go out,but ever since I was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression Disorder,she wanted me to have as much fun as possible.
Text:Ethan 💖
Ethan:Hey princess,wanna go out tonight?
Me:"Sure lemme ask my mom.
Me:Alright,she said yes.Where are we going? :)
Ethan:What about dinner and a movie? :)
Me:Sure,what movie?
Me: Um..ok,see ya later! <3
Ethan:See ya! I'll pick you up at 7.
End of text
I got back home,took a shower,did my hair and makeup and wore a crop top with some high waisted shorts paired with some white vans.

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