Chapter 44

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Grayson:"Hey there beautiful creep (he said smiling).
Lucy: Grayson! (as I jumped in his arms). Where have you been? (as I untangle myself from him).
Grayson: I've been busy studying.
Lucy: Look at you! Getting all nerdy and shit (I said smiling).
Grayson: Yep (he said with a smirk).
Aaron: Ahem! (he said coughing to get our attention)."
Grayson and I both turned around facing Aaron.
Lucy:"Oh,Grayson meet my brother Aaron.
Grayson: Nice to meet you Aaron (he said smiling).
Aaron: Nice to meet you too Grayson (as they both shook hands)."
"Gray,who are you talking to?" I heard someone saying behind me.
I turned around and saw Ethan.We both make eye contact and he approaches my table.
Ethan:" Lucy?
Lucy: Umm..hi Ethan... (as I looked down to the floor).
Ethan: Hey,what's up? (he said smiling)."
I looked at him nervously as my hands started to shake.
Lucy:"Um nothing much,you?
Ethan: Chillin..
Grayson: Well,we gotta go eat lunch.See ya later!
Lucy: Bye."
The twins went back to their table as I turned around facing Aaron who had a smile on his face.
Aaron: I'm guessing that was your ex (he said with a smirk).
Lucy: Is it that obvious?
Aaron: Yep,your hands were shaking the whole time (he said smiling).
Lucy: Oh,shut up."
We finished our food and paid the bill. As I got up and walked to get out of the cafe,I pass across Ethan's table and saw him in the arms of another girl. My face became pale and my eyes started to get watery.
As we arrived at my house,I didn't say a word and directly went in my room.I couldn't control myself but to cry. I uncontrollably got mad and ripped off Ethan's necklace that he gave me ( picture at the top) and threw it out of my window making it land on the road.
I laid down on my bed and cried my eyes out.
"Why am I feeling this way? Why can't I get over him? Why,just why?.. "I said to myself.
My bedroom door opened..
Aaron:"Hey Lucy- oh my god,what happened? (as he sits down next to me caressing my hair).
Lucy: Hug me please.."
Without hesitation,Aaron wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.
Aaron:"It's your ex,isn't it?
Lucy: Maybe...(as a tear went down my face).
Aaron: Shh,I'm here for you..(as he wipes off my tear).
Lucy: Love you bro..
Aaron: Love you too sis.."
I felt so safe in Aaron's arms. We always had each other's backs. He takes good care of me and the good news is that he's no longer on drugs.
We both then slowly fell asleep.

15 minutes later..
We both woke up and untangle ourselves from each other.
Aaron:"You alright?
Lucy: Yeah (I said smiling).
Aaron: Well,I'm going at my girlfriend's so I'll see you later tonight.
Lucy: When will meet her?! (I said with a grumpy tone).
Aaron: What if we all have dinner tonight?
Lucy: Sounds good,bye!
Aaron: Bye!"
Aaron left to his girlfriend's as I watched comedy movies on my laptop to cheer me up.

Ethan P.O.V.
I saw Lucy at the cafe today and she looked even more beautiful. I was a bit nervous when we talked but it was fine. I also saw her eyes getting watery as she saw me in Chloe's arms.God,I feel so bad..but then again,she's the one who broke up with me..
Chloe:"Let's go home.
Ethan: Sure babe."
Chloe,Grayson and I walked back home and as I was walking on the sidewalk,I saw a shiny light on the road. I stopped and rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now