Chapter 33

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Paul:"Everyone,take your phones out there will be a surprise!"
We all took our phones out and started filming when suddenly,Ethan puts my phone down and leads me next to the dinning table.
He gets in his knees and..
Ethan:"Lucy,I love you with all my heart and I want us to be official.Will you be my girlfriend ? (he said smiling)."
I could hear everyone saying "AWW".
He gets up and gives ma a hug.He untangles himself from me and takes out a box that he had in his pocket. I started to cry..
There was this beautiful necklace with the initial "E" on it.He puts it on around my neck and gives me a kiss.
Ethan:"I love you..
Me: I love you more..
Paul:Alright you two lovebirds,I have a surprise for Lucy too!
Me:You guys do realize that it's not my birthday..
Paul:I know,but I'll show it to you anyway!"
Paul grabs my hand and leads me next to the street.
Alice:"What's up you ugly bitch?! (she asked smiling).
Me:ALICE!! (as I quickly leaned on her for a hug). I miss you soo much!!"
Alice and I are cousins,we haven't seen each other since 8th grade because she had to move to France for her healing issues.We had ways to communicate through social media but it was hard because we were both so busy with school.
Alice:" I miss you too! Where's your mom?
Me:She's with everyone else at the dinner reception. Where's yours?
Alice:She'll be here in a few hours.
Me: Alright".
We both went to the dinner reception.
Alice:"AUNT JULIE!! (as she ran towards her giving her a big hug).Congratulations on your marriage!!
Julie:Thank you sweetie,where's your mom?
Alice:She'll be here in a few hours."
Alice then gives a hug to everyone except Ethan so I went up towards them..
Me:"Alice,meet my boyfriend Ethan.Ethan,meet my cousin Alice.
Ethan:Nice to meet you Alice!
Alice:Nice to meet you too Ethan! Lucy,let's go for a walk.
We then took a walk in the forest.
Alice:"Damn,Ethan's a hottie! (she said with a smirk).
Me:Bitch,he's mine!
Alice:Haha,I know.How long have you guys been dating?
Me:About 2 months.What about you,are you in a relationship with someone? (I asked with a smirk).
Alice:Well,I've been talking to this guy at school..(as she started to blush).
Me:Is he cute? (I asked with a smirk).
Alice:No,he's hot!"
After a 30 minute walk,we head back to the dinner reception.
Julie:"There you guys are! Where were you guys?
Me:We went for a walk.
Mom:Hey Alice! (as she gives her a hug).
Alice:Hey Marie!
Mom:How are you sweetie?
Alice:I'm good,stressing out with school but I'm fine."
1 hour later,Alice's mom arrives..
Stephanie:"Hey everyone!
Julie:Hey! (as she gives her a hug)."
After talking for a bit,Julie decided to throw the bouquet.
Me:"Oh my god! I got it!
Ethan: I guess that's a sign (he said with a smirk).
Alice:Hehehe! I can't wait to go to my cousin's wedding!!
Me:One day.."
After hanging for a few hours,we all decided to take a picture at the "Love Bridge".
After taking the picture,Paul and Julie decided to put a lock on the bridge's wall with their names writing on it.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now