Chapter 40

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Ethan then arrived at my house..
Knock at my door..
Lucy:"Coming !
I opened the door and saw Ethan smiling.
Ethan:"Hey babe! (as he hugs me).
Lucy: Hey! (as I hugged him back).
Ethan: So what's up?
Lucy: Um..can we talk?
Ethan: Sure,what about?"
I grabbed his hand and lead him up to my room.We both sat on the bed.
Ethan:"Babe,what's wrong ? (as he started to worry)."
I started to cry as Ethan hugs me.
Ethan:"Babe,please don't cry..
Lucy: I can't do this anymore Ethan..
Ethan: What are you saying?"
I untangle myself from Ethan and walked towards my shelf and took a box where all of my old pictures were.I started to cry harder as I looked at my dad's old picture so Ethan hugs me tightly as I slowly calmed myself down.
Lucy:"I miss him Ethan.."
Ethan looks at the picture as a tear went down his face.
Lucy:"Why do you even love me? I'm damaged...emotionally and physically..
Ethan: Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.You helped me find myself when I was lost.
Lucy: If I ran away,would you miss me?
Ethan: No,I will do anything to find you back.Why?
Lucy: No reason...what if I died?..
Ethan: I would die with you."
I looked deeply into his eyes.
Ethan: Really..(as he wipes off my tears and kisses me passionately)."
I untangle my lips from his and sat on the bed.Ethan sits next to me as he puts his arm around my waist.
Ethan:"Lucy,please tell me what's going on.
Lucy: Everyone just keeps getting away for me..
Ethan: But I'm here for you.
Lucy: I know,but still.Every time I look at myself in the mirror and see my bruises,I just hate myself more and more.I can't do this anymore Ethan..
Ethan: Are you saying-
Lucy: Yes,I wanna break up.."
As soon as the words got out of my mouth,Ethan became pale.I could see that his eyes were getting watery.
Lucy:"I don't wanna hurt you Ethan,I just need to find myself..I will always love you..(as I kissed his forehead).I'm sorry..
Ethan: No,I understand..I'll just leave then..(as he started crying)."
He gets out of my house and gets back home.
At the Dolan house..
Grayson:"Hey bro,everything ok?"
Ethan couldn't help it but to cry as he tightly hugs Grayson.
Grayson:"Oh my god Ethan,what happened?
Ethan: It's over..
Grayson: What's over?"
Ethan untangles himself from Grayson.
Ethan:"Lucy broke up with me..
Grayson: What,why?!
Ethan: She just needs to find herself..
Grayson: I'm so sorry dude..
Ethan: It's ok.."
Ethan gets in his room and lays on his bed as he cried his eyes out.
Grayson:"Poor Ethan.."
At Lucy's place..
Lucy P.O.V.
I can't believe I just broke up with Ethan.He must be heartbroken..I hate myself for hurting him so much but I guess that's for the best..
I then texted the girls:
                           Group chat: My girls 💜
Lucy: Hey girls
Sam: Hey!
Emily: What's up?
Lucy: Can you guys please come over.I need to tell you guys something..
Emily: Sure.
Sam: I'm on my way!
               End of text

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