Chapter 34

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Ethan:"What do you say we put ours too? (he asked smiling).
Me: But I don't have a lock..
Ethan: I do (takes out a lock from his pocket).
Me:Do you have everything in that pants of yours?
We borrowed Paul's marker so we could write down our initials on the lock.We threw the key in the river and kissed each other.
1 hour later..
6 pm,it was getting cold so we said our goodbyes and headed to our hotel.
We went to awwEthan:Great,let's do it!
Me:Mom,where's Aaron? I haven't seen him in months..
Mom:Umm..he's at his girlfriend's house..(as a tear went down her face).
Mom:Umm..he wanted to take their relationship to the next level so he lives there now..
Me:And you let him?
Mom:Sweetie,let's talk about this later ok? Let's just enjoy our dinner.
We enjoyed our dinner and head back to the hotel.
Me:"Ethan go in our room,I'll catch up with you later.
Ethan:Alright (gives me a kiss on the cheek)."
Ethan went to our room as my mom and I went to talk in her room.
Me:"So why did you let him live at his girlfriend's?
Mom:He's..he's uncontrollable now..(as she started crying).
Me:What do you mean? (as I started to get worried).
Mom:He's on drugs Lucy.."
As soon as the words slipped out of her mouth,I was in complete shock.I didn't say anything, I just walked out of her room and went in mine.Ethan saw my face was white.
Ethan:"Babe,are you ok?"
I didn't answer..
I just laid on the side of the bed and started crying.Ethan laid down next to me as he hugs me tight.
Ethan:"Shh,I'm here now..
Me:I just..can't..believe..
Ethan: Don't say anything babe,just calm yourself down..(as he hugs me tighter)."
He slowly started to kiss my neck as I slowly drift down to sleep.
The next morning..
8 am,I woke up with Ethan next to me and got ready.
Me:I'm in the shower!"
I got dressed and got out of the bathroom.
Me:"What's wrong?
Ethan:Nothing,I just wanted to know where you were.What happened last night?"
I sat on the side of the bed as Ethan sat next to me.
Me:"My brother's on drugs..(as a tear went down my face).
Ethan:Oh my god..I'm so sorry.."
Ethan hugs me as I rest my head on his shoulder and started to cry.
Me:"Why would he do this to me? Was I a terrible sister?..
Ethan:No you're not,I'm sure he's just depressed at the moment.
Me:I don't know..I just hope he'll be okay..Aaron and I are so close.
Ethan:I promise he'll be fine.."
I wiped off my tears and got up.
Me:"Are you gonna get ready?
Ethan gets ready while I was putting on my makeup.
10 minutes later,Ethan gets out of the shower and stares at me while I'm doing my makeup.
Ethan:"Why do you wear makeup?
Me:To cover up my bruises,I don't want to scare people away.
Ethan:Since when did you ever scared someone? (he asked with a smirk).
Me:I guess I never did.
Me:Just get dressed already.
Ethan: Ok"
He gets dressed and we both joined my mom at the lobby.
My mom notices that my eyes were bright red because of all the crying.
Mom:"Are you ok sweetie?
Me:Yeah,I'm ok"

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