Chapter 11

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They later arrived at school as Grayson went to see Sara and his friends when Ethan looks for the girls.He finally found them in the backyard with tears in their eyes.
Ethan:" Hey girls,what's wrong? (he started to get worried).
Sam:It''s Lucy..she's..(tears went down her face).
Ethan:"What?What's wrong with her?! (as a tear went down his face).
Bell rings..
Emily:"Why do you care?! Don't you remember what you've done to her?!"
Em quickly grabs Sam as they walked to class.Ethan started to cry as he walks to class trying to stay calm.
12 pm at lunch time..
Ethan quickly grabs his lunch and meets the girls in the canteen.
Sam:"Do you think she'll survive? (as she started crying).
Emily: Don't say that..(as she started to cry)."
They then saw Ethan approaching their table.
Ethan:"Hey guys..
Emily: What do you want?!!
Sam:Em calm down,what do you want Ethan?
Ethan: I want to know what happened to Lucy..
Sam:If you really wanna know..come with us after school..
Emily: Sam,no !!
Sam: Em,if they don't talk about it,she'll get even worse!!Do you really want that to happen?!
Emily: Yeah you're right.But you still need to explain us why you kissed another girl Ethan!!
Ethan:"I honestly don't know..
Sam:Ethan don't play shit with us,I know there's a reason why you did!"
Ethan:"I think I was just upset because she told me that we couldn't be together so I though if I kissed Ashley I would feel less upset..
Emily:Wait,did you just say that you kissed a girl named Ashley?! (looks at Sam with a shocked face).
Ethan: Yeah,why?
Sam: What's her last name?
Ethan: Jonhson
Emily: Oh,shit..
Ethan: Whats wrong??
Bells rings..
Sam:"Oh,we gotta go,see ya later Ethan!"
Em and Sam rushed up to class so they could talk on their way there.
Sam:"Do you think she's the Ashley that bullied Lucy back in middle school?!
Emily: I hope not,and I HOPE that Ethan won't fall for Ashley instead of Lucy!!
Sam: Yeah me neither,they look so cute together!! I don't want to ruin it for her.She deserves Ethan 100 times more than Ashley does!!
Emily: Yeah she does,but does Lucy like him back?
Sam: I don't know,guess we'll have to found out..
Emily: Plus,her birthday's coming up soon.Do you have any ideas what we can surprise her with?
Sam: Well I already bought the present,but I have no idea where to take you think Ethan has any ideas?
Emily: Maybe,we'll talk to him about it after school."
They then went to class.
3 hours later Ethan and the girls meet up in the parking lot when a red Ferrari approached them:
Ashley:"Hey Ethan,ready to go?
Ethan: Where to ?
Ashley: My house of course!!
Ethan:Oh yeah sure,sorry girls I'll see Lucy next time ok?

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