Chapter 42

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Ethan:"I can't do this Emily!
Emily: You sure? (as she starts kissing him).
Ethan: Em stop! (as he pushes her making her fall on the ground)."
In Grayson's room..
Grayson P.O.V.
What is going in in there?
I got in Ethan's room..
Em and Ethan notices me so they quickly stood up.
Ethan:"Gray,it's not what it looks like.
Grayson: Oh really?! Because it looks like you're about to have s*x with Lucy's best friend! How could you do this to her?!
Emily: Um well..I should be leaving..
Grayson: You're not going anywhere you bitch! Put on some clothes,we need to talk."
Ethan and Grayson left the room and got in the living room as Emily changes herself and joins them.
Emily:"Look,I'm the one who started it..
Grayson: What?! Why?!
Emily: Ever since Aaron and I broke up,I just really wanted to be loved again.Seeing the way Ethan looks at Lucy just makes me jealous because Aaron never looked at me the way Ethan did.And now that they've broke up,I thought it was a good time to take action.But I see you still love her..
Ethan: I do,I always will.
Emily: I know you do,I'm sorry for what I did.I guess I'm feeling a little lonely..
Ethan: It's ok Em,you'll find him one day (he said smiling).
Emily: Thanks Ethan (as she gives him a hug).
Ethan: No problem Em..
Grayson: Well then,it's settled.You can go home now Emily.
Emily: Alright,see ya!"
She then gets back home.
At Emily's house..
Emily P.O.V.
I can't believe what I just did.I kissed my best friend's ex boyfriend that she still loves..should I tell her? I think it's for the best if I did,she's my bestie.We don't keep secrets from each other.
I then head to Lucy's place.
At Lucy's place..
Knock at my door..
I opened the door and saw Emily.
Lucy:"Hey Em,what's up?
Emily: Um..I need to tell you something..
Lucy: Alright."
We both got up to my room and sat on the bed.
Emily:"I uh..might have..kissed Ethan..
Lucy: What,why?
Emily: Please don't get mad,it was just a mistake.I guess I just got jealous of your relationship with him. I'm really sorry babe..
Lucy: It's ok,it's not like we were still together..(as a tear went down my cheek)."
Em wipes off my tear and gives me a hug.
Emily:"It's alright,I'm here for you..
Lucy: I miss him so much..
Emily: I know babe.."
Em then gets back home.

7 pm..
Lucy P.O.V.
I took a shower and got into my pajamas.I ate my dinner in my room while watching a movie on my laptop.
I heard my bedroom door opening.
Mom:"Is everything ok sweetie?
Lucy: Yeah,why?
Mom: I heard that you and Ethan broke up..
Lucy: Mom,can we please not talk about this?..
Mom: Alright (as she gives me a kiss on the cheek)."
After eating my food,I put my plate in the dish washer and got ready for bed.I put my laptop on my nightstand and head to sleep.


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