Chapter 39

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After 1 hour of dancing,there was a knock at the door.
Ethan:"I wonder who it might be."
He opens the door and was shocked to see:
Ashley:"Hey Ethan!
Ethan: What are you doing here?!
Ashley: Duh,I came here for the party!"
Grayson walks towards the door and notices Ashley.
Ethan: Gray,chill.
Grayson: No! Get the fuck out of my house you bitch!"
The girls and I heard Grayson screaming so we quickly went to see what was going on.
Ashley notices me and we were wearing the same exact dress.
Ashley:"What are you doing here you slut!
Me: Excuse me?!
Ashley: Why are you here?!
Me: Well,I'm your man's new girl (I said with a smirk). SURPRISE BITCH!
Ashley: What?! You gotta be kidding me!! (as she tackles me to the ground).YOU FUCKING BITCH,HOW DARE YOU TAKE ETHAN AWAY FROM ME?!!!"
She starts punching me in the face as I try to push her away from me.Grayson grabbed Ashley as Ethan pulled me away from her.
Grayson:"That's it! (as he punches Ashley on her waist).
Ashley: OW!!"
Grayson quickly throws her out of the house and locks the door.He quickly ran towards me.
Grayson:"Lucy,are you ok?!
Me: Y-yeah.. (as I slowly tried to get up)."
Ethan helps me to get up.
Ethan:"Are you sure?
Me: Yes,don't worry.Let's just continue the party.
Mrs Dolan: You guys ain't continuing anything.Guys please go home,I think you've had enough fun for today.
Me: Alright.."
Everyone got back home and the girls and I walked back home together.
Sam:"I can't believe Ashley punched you! Why was she there anyway?!
Me: I wish I knew.."
I then arrived at my house..
Me:"Hey mom..
Mom: Hey sweetie,everything ok?
Me: Yeah,I just need to lay down for a bit.
Mom: Alright,call me if you need anything.
Me: Alright."
I went up to my room,took off my outfit and makeup,put on some leggings and a tang top and took a nap.
10 pm,I got up and checked my phone if I had any texts or missed calls :
Text: Ethan 💖
Ethan: Hey babe,sorry about tonight.I'll make it up to you,I promise.
Me: No need to babe.
Ethan: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah..
Ethan: Um ok,text me if you need anything ❤️
Me: Alright,thanks babe! ❤️
End of text
I got downstairs for a late dinner.My mom was asleep so I didn't want to make too much noise.I took an apple and some biscuits and ate it in my room.After eating my snacks,I head to bed.
The next morning,8 am..
I got out bed,took a shower,did my hair and makeup,wore some high waisted shorts and a black crop top.
I got downstairs for breakfast.
Lucy P.O.V.
I fucking hate myself..why do I always end up getting hurt?..I'm just a useless pice of crap..I need Ethan..
Text: Ethan 💖
Me: Hey babe..
Ethan: Hey,everything ok?
Me: Yeah,can you please come over?
Ethan: Sure,I'm on my way.
End of text

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