Chapter 8

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2 days later..
Me:"Finally going back to school,these past 2 days has been boring af.But since it's Friday,I think I'll wear something fancy today."
I got out of bed,took a shower,did my hair and makeup.As for clothing,I wore this beautiful white lace dress that my real dad gave me before passing away.
Yes he's passed away,I was only 10 when he died of lung cancer.I look at myself in the mirror and said my dad's last words:"I'll always be there for you my princess,because even if I die you'll see me in your darkest and brightest dreams.Stay strong my Lucy,may god give you a blessed life.
I started crying..
Me: I miss you dad.."
I went downstairs and took an apple so I could eat it on my way to school.
10 minutes later..
I see Sam's car here so I quickly went in it.
Me:"Hey guys!!"
Sam and Em:Hey girlfriend!!
Emily:Omg,where did you get your dress?
Me: My dad gave it to me before passing away...
Sam:I'm sorry babe,he was an amazing man..
Me:it's ok,he's in heaven now.."
We arrived to school.
Me:I'm going to class see you guys at lunch
Sam and Em: bye girl!!"
I went to math class..
Mr Smith:Ah Lucy,nice to see you!Please take a seat.
Me:Hello mr.Smith,I can't wait to catch up with you guys!"
I went to the only seat available which was in between Ethan and Sara.
Me: Hey guys!
Ethan and Sara: Hey!!
Mr.Smith: Alright everyone calm down,and let's begin.
5 hours later..
I rushed to the canteen to meet the girls.I grabbed my meal and joined them on the table 8.
Me:"Hey guys!!
Sam: Hey girlfriend
Emily: Hey,how was class?
Me: It was fine.
Emily:I couldn't stand math class!!"
We enjoyed our meal when suddenly we saw Ethan approaching us:
Ethan:"Hey girls,mind if I join you guys?
Sam: No,not at all (gives me a smirk)
I stepped on Sam's foot in order for her to stop staring at me.
Sam:"OW!! Lucy!!
Me: Hahaha!!
Emily: So Ethan,what brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your brother at the "cool kids" table?
Ethan: No not today,they said I'm no longer a "cool kid".
Me: I'm sure they'll change their mind..
Ethan:I honestly don't care if they don't,your group caught my eye anyways (he said with a smirk)."
I started to blush
We then heard a bunch of cool kids saying towards Ethan: "Haha look at Ethan,he's eating lunch with girls!! (he said laughing).Another one said:"What a PUSSY!! (he said laughing as he throws a water bottle on Ethan's head).
Ethan:"I'm sorry you guys..(starts crying as he runs to the football field).
Me: Ethan wait!! (I ran after him and found him sitting on the field's grass)."
I then went sitting next to him,put my arms around his neck as he calmed himself down.
I sat there with Ethan in my arms..
Me:"It's ok Ethan,I'm right here..
Ethan: I'm sorry,it has been hard for me these past few weeks..
Me:"I know, I'm here for you if you need me"
I unwrapped my arms from him and he lays his head on my legs.I looked in his beautiful hazel eyes and could tell that he was hurt.He rubs his hand on my cheek as I smiled.
Ethan:"You look beautiful when you smile (he said smiling).
Me: So do you."
He closes his eyes as I run my fingers through his hair.I kissed his forehead.
5 minutes later..
He opens his eyes and lifts his upper body up.
Ethan:" What's up?
Me: We should get in before the bells rings."
We got up and started to walk in the school as Ethan puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.We met the girls in the backyard..
Sam:"There you guys are!! I started getting worried!!"
She hugs me and Ethan at the same time.
Emily:"Where were you guys?
Ethan:"We just chilled for a bit.."
Bell rings..
Sam:" Alright you guys,I'll see ya later!!
Me: See ya !!"
Em and I went to our locker to pick up our books when suddenly I felt someone putting his arm around my waist:
Me: What? I need to get to class!"
He looks deep into my eyes,pulls me close and starts kissing me.

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