Chapter 12

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Sam:" Did Ethan just gave up Lucy for Ashley?!
Emily: I know right?! What an asshole!!
Sam:Em,I looked closely at Ashley and she looks exactly like the Ashley from middle school!
Emily:NO WAY!!
Sam:Shit,I don't know if we should tell Lucy or not..
Sam:Me neither,but if we don't she might get hurt from Ashley..
Sam:Wait,maybe we should talk about it with Marie.She'll know what's best for her."
Em and Sam drove to the hospital to see me.
Emily:" Hey babe,how you feeling?
Me: A lot better!!"
My mom enters the room.
Mom:"Hello girls,how are you guys?
Sam: Good,but we need to talk..
My mom and the girls went to the lobby to talk.
Mom:" What's wrong?
Emily: It all started when Lucy's friend Ethan kissed her 2 days ago,she enjoyed the kiss but she pushed him away because she didn't want to ruin their friendship.As we walked to the parking lot,she saw him kissing another girl.That's when she started crying and when we  were walking back to the parking lot,she collapsed..
Mom: So my daughter is in depression because of that boy?!
Sam: Yes,and we saw him today at school.He wanted to know how Lucy was doing and i told him if he really wanted to know,he had to come with us after school.
Mom:What?Are you out of your mind?! I don't want that boy near Lucy ever again!!
Sam: But Marie,if they don't talk about what happened she can get even worse..
Emily:But that's not we wanted to tell you.We later found out that,the"other girl"that Ethan kissed was Ashley Jonhson..
Mom: The girl that bullied Lucy in middle school?!
Sam:Yep,and she's in our school..
Mom:"No !!
Sam: I'm sorry..(hugs my mom tightly).
Emily:That's why we wanted to talk to you first before telling it to what shall we do?
Mom: I know she wouldn't want to stay in that school so I guess we only have 2 options: either she does school here in the hospital,I'll  hire a tutor as you guys will bring her schoolwork or she'll have to move to a different school.
Sam:We'll talk to her about it."
My mom and the girls went back in my hospital room.
Me:"What's up?
Sam:Do you remember Ashley from middle school?
Me: Yeah?
Sam: Well,she's the girl that Ethan kissed..
Me: Oh..(I started tearing up).
Emily:But the bad news is,she's now in our school.So in order to keep you happy..
Mom:We decided it was best for you to stop going to that school.
Me: So where am I gonna study?!
Mom:You can either do school in the hospital,I'll hire a tutor and the girls will bring your schoolwork or you can go to another school next block.
Me:I wanna study in the hospital with a tutor so I can study while getting better and see the girls everyday.
Mom:Alright,you'll start next week.
Me:Alright,mom can you give me a minute with the girls?
Mom:Ok sweetie."
My mom leaves the room..
Me:"So Ashley Johnson is in our school?
Emily:Yep,and I think she's hitting on Ethan..
Me: What do you mean?
Emily:Well Ethan wanted to see you today until Ashley came and told him to come at her place.

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