Chapter 37

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Ethan:"Who is it?
Me: It's my mom,she's waiting for us at the parking lot.We have start packing our stuff for tomorrow.
Ethan: Alright,let's go."
We went to the parking lot to join my mom and called a taxi so we could get back in the hotel.
We went to our rooms and started packing when suddenly,I received a call:
Call: Aaron
Me: Hello?
Aaron: Lucy,hey how are you?
Me: Oh my god Aaron! I haven't seen you in forever,what's up?
Aaron: Nothing much,I miss you tho..
Me: I miss you too! Why are you at your girlfriend's house?
Aaron: How did you know?
Me: Mom told me.And she also told me that you were on drugs,is that true?
Aaron: Umm well,yeah..
Me: Why?
Aaron: I just have a lot of problems at the moment..
Me: What problems?
Aaron: You know what?! Why don't you just take care of your fucking business!!
He hung up...
Ethan:" Was that your brother?
Me: Yeah..let's just continue packing.."
2 hours later..
8 pm,we finally finished packing our suitcases.
Ethan: Yeah,it took forever.Lets go get something to eat.
Me: Ok,I'm starving."
We ordered some room service and ate our food while watching "The Notebook" on my laptop.
During the movie,we both slowly fell asleep.
The next morning..
8 am,we both woke up and got ready.I wore some comfy clothes such as: a sweater,some leggings paired with some boots.As for my hair,I put it in a messy bun.
Ethan:"I really don't wanna go.I love it here in Paris..
Me: Me neither.."
We took our suitcases and joined my mom at the lobby.
Mom:"Are you guts ready?
Me: Yep.
Ethan: Yeah."
We called a taxi and headed to the airport.Our flight was in 5 hours so we still had time to eat breakfast at a cafe in the airport.
10 am..
We pass through all the check points and waited for our plane in the waiting room.
2 hours later,we got inside our plane and putted our baggages in the cabins.
After a 10 hour flight..
11 pm in LA.
We landed back in Los Angeles,took our suitcases and went outside to the parking lot where I saw all my friends waiting for me.
Sam:" LUCY!!!
Me: SAM!!
We ran into each other giving each other a hug.
Sam:" I missed you so much!
Me: I missed you too!"
I then Em and Grayson walking towards us.
Emily:" Where's my hug?"
I gave Em and Grayson a hug.
Grayson:"Nice to see you again Lucy!
Me: You too Grayson!
Ethan: Hey bro!
Grayson : E!!"
They gave each other a big hug.
Mom:" Good to see you guys again!
Emily: You too Marie!
Mom: Come on,let's go home."
The girls and I went back to my house and the boys went back to their house.
At the Dolan house..
Ethan:" Mom,I'm home!
Mrs Dolan: Ethan!! (as she gives him a hug). I missed you so much!
Ethan: I missed you too mom!
Mr Dolan: Welcome home Ethan! (as he hugs his wife and son).
Ethan: Thanks dad!"
At my place..
Mom:" Girls,make yourselves at home.I'm going to bed.
Sam: Alright,goodnight Marie!"
My mom went to her room as the girls and I went to my room.
Emily:" So how was Paris?
Me: It was amazing!
Emily: Sam already told me everything.Did you guys really slept in the same room?
Me: Yeah,it was the only room available for two people.But we both went to Disneyland!!
Sam: OMG,you're so lucky! Next time you go on vacation,please bring me with you!
Me: Haha,alright.

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