Chapter 29

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After a 10 hour flight..
Our plane landed so we took our baggages and went out to our hotel.It was easy for me to communicate with French people because I could already speak fluent French.Ethan,however couldn't understand anything so I had to help him with translation and tough him a few words to help him out.
We went to the hotel's reception and I realized that Ethan and I had the same room.
Me:"Je suis sûre qu'il y a une erreur (translation: I'm sure there's some kind of mistake).
Manager:Il n'y a pas d'erreur mademoiselle,Madame François avait déjà réservé cette chambre parce qu'elle était la seule a être disponible pour deux personnes. (translation:There are no mistakes miss,Mrs François has already booked this room because it was the only one available for two people)
Me:D'accord,merci monsieur! (translation:Alright,thank you sir!)
Manager:De rien mademoiselle,passez une bonne journée!! (translation:You're welcome miss,have a nice day!!).
Me:Merci,vous aussi!(translation:Thanks,you too!)"
I grabbed Ethan's hand as we walked to our room.
Ethan:So we're staying in the same room,huh? (he asked with a smirk).
Me:Don't even think about it! (as I squeezed his hand).
Ethan:Haha alright,I won't do anything bad (he said with a smirk)."
We entered our room and started to unpack our suitcases.Ethan only had one suitcase to unpack as I had two.What can I say? Girls need everything no matter where they are.
Ethan:"You better not invade my space with your girly junk! (he said smiling).
Me:Hey,if you can't stand a girl's space,you can go ahead and sleep outside! (I said laughing)."
Ethan stands up and looks at me as he smiles.I look at him and stood up.
He picks me up and throws me on the bed,pins me down as he started kissing me.He stops and looks deep into my eyes.
Ethan:"Can I stay in here now? (he asked smiling).
Me:Yeah,sure (I replied as I gave him a kiss on the cheek)."
We got up and continued unpacking our stuff.
1 hour later we finished unpacking our suitcases.
7 pm..
Me:" I can't believe it's already 7 pm!
Ethan:Me neither,wanna go have dinner?
Me:Yep,I'm starving.Lemme just text my mom real quick:
        Text: Mom
Me:Hey mom,I'm done unpacking my stuff.Ethan and I are going out for dinner.
Mom:Alright,can you guys bring me a sandwich ?
Me:Sure,later mom!
          End of text.
Me:"Alright let me get ready first.
Ethan:I'll wait for you in the lobby.
Ethan went to the lobby as I took a quick shower and got dressed.Its autumn here in Paris so I had to wear warn clothes.I went to the lobby to join Ethan.
Ethan:"You look beautiful (he said smiling).
Me:Thanks,let's go."
We went to a cafe and ordered our food.
Me:"So are you excited for the wedding?
Ethan:Yes! When is it?
Me:In 2 days
Ethan:Ok,when are we gonna meet your aunt?
Me:Tomorrow at the "Sheraton" hotel.
We enjoyed our meal as we talked and as soon as we finished I ordered a "take away" sandwich for my mom.We then went back to the hotel.
I went to mom's room to give her the sandwich.
Mom:"Thank you sweetie!
Me:Your welcome mom."
I went back to my room with Ethan.
Ethan:"Let's go to the hot tub.
We changed ourselves into our bathing suit,took our phone and towels and went to the hot tub.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now