Chapter 36

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We enjoyed our food as we talked.
Mom:"So what do you guys wanna do today?
Me: Let's go shopping!
Ethan: No..
Me: Come on,please!
Ethan: Alright,just promise me I'm not the one who's gonna carry all of the shopping bags.
Me: Alright,I promise.
Ethan Thank you,so Lucy told me about what happened with Aaron. Is it true?
Mom: Yes it is,I've begged him not to do drugs but he just won't listen.He's just like every other troublemakers..
Me: That honestly sucks,is he ok?
Mom: I don't know, he won't answer my calls or my texts.Maybe you should try calling him.
Me: Alright, I'll call him tonight."
After breakfast,we bought souvenirs for our friends and family including Ethan.
5 hours later,we finished shopping and head to a restaurant for lunch.
Ethan:" I'm so tired..I don't know how you girls do this..
Me: I know right? I call that the "girls workout".
Ethan: Yeah,no kidding.."
We had lunch and went for a walk at the park.We took a lot of pictures.
Mom:"Let's take a picture if you two kissing (she said smiling).
Me: Umm..ok (I said being nervous)."
Ethan realized that I was nervous so he caresses my lower back.
Mom:"Alright,get into position."
Ethan and I looked at each other and he still saw that I was nervous so he immediately kissed me.
Mom:"You guys look so cute! (she said as she took the picture)."
I untangle my lips from Ethan's and hugged him.
Me:"I love you..(I said smiling).
Ethan: I love you more..(as he kisses my forehead)."
We then went back to the hotel.
Me:"Ethan,I'm gonna make a phone call.I'll see you later in the room.
Ethan: Alright."
Ethan goes in our room while I called my brother Aaron.
Me:"Please pick up!"
Voice mail:
I'm sorry but the person you're trying to reach isn't available right now,please leave a message..BEEP
Me:"Um hi Aaron,it's me Lucy.Please call me back as soon as you can.Love you!
End of call
Me:"Hope he'll answer.."
I got in my room..
Ethan:"Did your brother answer?
Me: No..
Ethan: Maybe he'll call back tomorrow.
Me: I hope.."
We then got ready for bed.
Ethan:"I can't believe Halloween is in 3 days!
Me: Ugh,don't tell me about it.I hate Halloween..
Ethan: Same,but I'll enjoy seeing you getting scared (he said smiling).
Me: Asshole..
Ethan: Haha,love you too!"
We both then went to sleep.
At Aaron's girlfriend's house..
Aaron:"What? Lucy left me a voice message.
Voice message:
Me:Um hi Aaron,it's me Lucy.Please call me back as soon as you can.Love you!
End of message
Aaron:"I do miss my little sister..maybe I'll call her back tonight.
Back in Paris..
Our last day in Paris.
Ethan and I woke up and got ready.
Ethan:"So what do you wanna do for our last day in Paris?
Me: Well,I really wanted to go to Disneyland but I don't know if we can afford the tickets.I'm gonna ask my mom.
Ethan: Alright,I might be 16 but deep inside I'm still a 5 year old (he said smiling).
Me: Haha same!"
We went to the lobby to join my mom and head out for breakfast.
Mom:"So what do you guys wanna do for our last day in Paris?
Me: Well,we wanted to go to Disneyland but I don't know if we can afford the tickets..
Mom:How much is it?
Me: Wait,lemme check."
I took out my phone and searched for Disneyland Paris ticket prices on their website.
Me:"it's 200 € per adult.
Mom:Perfect,I have 400 € for you guys!
Me: But what about you?
Mom:While you guys are in Disneyland,I'll be visiting Aqualand.
Me: Alright thanks mom!"
After breakfast,me and Ethan went to Disneyland and my mom went to Aqualand.We bought our tickets and spent the entire day having fun in our childhood world.
5 pm,I received a text from mom:
Text: Mom
Mom: Hey sweetie,I'm at the parking lot.We have to start packing our stuff for tomorrow.
Me: Alright,be right there!
End of text

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