Chapter 6

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Mom:"(wipes off her tears) So honey,do you plans for today?
Me: Well I don't know,it's Tuesday so I won't be seeing the girls till 3:30 pm.But maybe we'll go out shopping,is that ok?
Mom: Yes sweetie,you can go out.Does your waist still hurt?
Me: A little,but I'll be fine
Mom: Alright,just make sure to take a pill before you leave ok?
Me: Ok mom
We both ate breakfast while I was telling her about what happened yesterday.
Mom:"Oh my goodness!!This girl must be suspended!!
Me:"Well I don't know mom,none of this would have happened if I didn't talked to Grayson in the first place..
Mom: No honey,it's her fault for judging everything so fast
Me: But mom,I'm scared to go back..what if I get hurt again?!
Mom: You won't,I promise (kisses my forehead)."
I spend the entire morning and noon watching Netflix.
3:45 pm
Knock at my door..
I went opening the door and see Em and Sam smiling.
Sam:"Hey girlfriend!
Emily: Hey girl!!
Me: Hey girls,come on in.
Sam:"How are you feeling today?
Me: A lot better,my waist hurts a little but I'll be fine I just have to take a pill before we go."
I went to my room to change my clothes and took a pill.
Me:"I'm ready,let's go!"
We went to Sam's car and went to our favorite mall.
Emily:" So where shall we go first?
Me: Umm,Forever 21?
Sam: YASS!!"
We walked to Forever 21 when suddenly,I got a text .
         Text: Mom
Mom: where are you?!
Me: sorry I forgot to tell you,I went out with the girls
Mom: Ok,be home by 6 ok?Have fun!!
Me: Alright mom,thanks ❤️
                                End of text
I was texting my mom so I wasn't paying attention to where I was going when suddenly I bumped into someone.
Person:"Hey,watch where you're going!! (with a mad tone).
That voice sounded familiar,I look in front of me and saw that bitch from school.
Girl:"Well,well,well, look who it is,it's that chick who flirted with my boyfriend yesterday!!"
Grayson was behind her and saw the situation:
Grayson:"Babe,don't talk to her like that! ( with a mad tone)."
Before I knew it,the girl punched me in the eye turning it black.Sam and Em were behind me and pulled me away from her while Grayson was pulling his girlfriend away from me as well.
Security came and arrested her while I was being carried AGAIN.
She gave me a black eye so I couldn't see anything.I then heard Em said:"Hello is this 911?My friend's hurt really bad please send help!!
I was then sent to the hospital..BLIND..
45 minutes later..
I woke up in a hospital bed with stitches all over me.
Doctor:"Ah you're awake,how do you feel?
Me:Fine,it's just that my eye stings every time I blink..
Doctor:That's because we putted eye drops in your eye so it can heal.Im gonna call your parents,you stay here and rest ok?
Me: Ok.."
I close my eyes when suddenly I hear the door open..

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now