Chapter 16

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Mrs Dolan:"Nice to meet you too dear! (gives me a hug).Ethan was right,you are gorgeous!! (she said smiling).
Me:Thank you!! (I started to blush).
Mrs Dolan:Would you like to stay here for dinner?
Me:I would love to,but I'll have to ask my mom first
Mrs Dolan:Alright.
I then texted my mom.
Me:Hey mom,can I go out with Ethan tonight?
Mom:Yes you can,have fun !
Me: thanks mom!
End of text
Me:Alright,my mom's okay with it.I'm gonna go back home to get ready.
Ethan:Great,I'll take you home."
We both got in the car when I realized that Ethan was taking me somewhere away from my place.
Me:"Ethan,where are we going?
Ethan:You'll see,it's a surprise."
He parks his car near a beach.
We got out and Ethan grabs my hand as he leads me to the beach.He got down on his knees and asked:
Ethan:Lucy,would you do the honor and go out on a date with me?
Me:HELL YES!! (as I hugged him tightly).
He then takes me back home.
Ethan:"I'll pick you up in an hour ok?
Me:Alright,see you later! (as I kissed him on the cheek).
I got in my house..
Me:Mom,I'm home!
Mom:Hey sweetie,I got some good news.Aunt Julie and Paul are getting married next month!!
Me:Oh my god,that's amazing !!Where is it gonna be?
Mom: In Paris!!And we're their bridesmaids !!They also said that we could bring an extra person to the wedding!
Me:"I'm so happy for them!
Mom:Me too!
Me:Well,I'm gonna get ready.
Mom:Wait,wear this..(hands me a box)."
I opened the box saw a beautiful white dress.
Me:"Wow mom,where did you get this?
Mom:It was your grandmother's,she wore it at her first date with your grandfather.
Me:Thanks mom! (as I gave her a hug)."
I went to take a shower,do my makeup and hair,wore the dress.I quickly went downstairs to show my mom how the dress looked on me.
Me:"Mom,what do you think?
Mom:Oh my!You look gorgeous honey!!
Door bell rings..
Me:"it's him,see ya later mom! (as I gave her a kiss goodbye)."
I opened the door and saw Ethan holding a bouquet of roses.
Ethan:"Hey luc-OH MY GOD! You look amazing!!
Me:Thanks (I said smiling)."
I took the bouquet and went to his car.We arrived at his house and went inside.
Mrs Dolan:"You guys are here,dinner's on table.Lucy you look beautiful dear!
Me:Thank you."
Ethan and I walked towards the table.
Ethan:Hey guys,meet my friend Lucy!
Grayson:"Hey Lucy (he said smiling).
Mr Dolan:Hello my dear,nice to meet you!
Cameron:Nice to meet you Lucy,I'm their sister Cameron
Me:Nice to meet you guys!"
Ethan and I took a seat and enjoyed our dinner.

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