Chapter 10

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The girls then helped me to get in the car but before being in the parking lot,I collapsed to the ground.
Sam:" OH MY GOD LUCY!!!Em,call help!!
Emily: Hello 911?Please send help,my friend just collapsed!!"
I then heard an ambulance coming to pick me up.
1 hour later..
I woke up in a hospital bed with tubes in my nostrils with a headache.
Doctor:" Miss are you ok?!
Me: Yes I'm fine,my head hurts a little..
Doctor: Thank god you're awake,we almost lost you!!"
I saw a nurse walking into the room giving the doctor a document.
Nurse:"The results sir.
Doctor: Thank you."
He looks at the document as a tear went down his face.
Doctor:"Miss,we have a problem.I'm gonna call your parents so we can talk about it together."
He exits the room and calls my mom.
30 minutes later..
I see my mom entering the room with tears all over her face.
Me:"Mom,what's wrong??!"
She lays next to me on the bed and holds my hands..
Mom:"Doctor said you have 'ADD': Anxiety and Depression Disorder and if you're not getting better in a few weeks,you could die from it.."
I started to cry and saw Em and Sam entering the room giving me a tight hug.The doctor comes in..
Doctor:"Ma'am,your daughter needs to stay here for a week so we can help her against her depression."
My mom gives me one last kiss and hug before leaving the room.
Mom:" See you tomorrow sweetie..
Em and Sam: Get well soon babe.."
Ethan walks back home thinking about what happened earlier at school (when he kissed Lucy) and at the parking lot (when kissed another girl).
At the Dolan house..
Ethan:" Mom,I'm home !
Mrs Dolan: Hey honey,how was your day?
Ethan: It was terrible..(starts crying as he hugged his mom tightly).
Mrs Dolan: Oh my god Ethan,what happened?! (as she started to worry).
Ethan:Everything's happened mom,I screwed up my love..
Mrs Dolan: What love?
Ethan: My love for Lucy..
Mrs Dolan: The girl you keep talking about?I really can't wait to meet her,she sounds very nice (she said as she smiles).
Ethan: Yeah she is,that's why I love her but she hates me now..
Mrs Dolan: No honey,she doesn't hate you.Hate is a pretty strong word to say for someone you love..and what ever happened,I'm sure you guys can fix it (kisses Ethan on the forehead).
Ethan: You're right mom,I'll talk to her tomorrow."
He eats dinner with his family and then gets ready for bed.
Tomorrow morning..
Ethan quickly gets ready for school and wakes up Grayson (fact: Grayson is a heavy sleeper).
Ethan:"Gray,wake up man!!
Grayson:Alright I'm up..(gets out of bed and gets ready)."
They both got downstairs for breakfast and leaves to their car.
Ethan:"Hey gray,I need to tell something..
Grayson: What is it?
Ethan:Well yesterday I..I..kissed Lucy..
Grayson: Really?Wow dude,then what happened?
Ethan:Well,she pushed me away.I don't know why,probably because she doesn't like me back..But anyway,she saw me kissing Ashley afterwards and cried..
Grayson: What the fuck dude!! Why?!
Ethan:I don't know why I did that..I guess it's because I got upset after telling me that we couldn't be together.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now