Chapter 27

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Me:"So where are we going?
Ethan:Can't tell you,it's a surprise..
Ethan:Don't call me that! (as he tickles me).
Me:HAHA NO,STOP!! Alright,I'll stop calling you that!
Grayson:Quit you two!
Sam:Alright guys,we're here."
Ethan takes out a blindfold out of his pocket and blindfolds my eyes.
Me:"Um,you guys?
Ethan:Don't worry,just hold my hand."
He then grabs my hand as he leads me out of the car and to our destination.
Ethan:"Alright,you can look now (as he takes off my blindfold).
Without saying anything I gave Sam a big hug.
Emily:"What about me?"
I then gave everyone a big hug.If you're wondering where my surprise was,well it was that water park that I wanted to go so bad.
Grayson:"I'm getting hot in here,let's go inside!
Sam:You sure are! (she said with a smirk)."
Grayson grabs Sam and carries her on his back as he walks inside the entrance.
We paid our tickets,went to the restroom to change ourselves and meet up in the center of the water park.
Me:So lets go on the slides in groups: I'm going with Ethan and Sam you go with Grayson.
Grayson:"Fine by me (as he puts his arm around Sam's waist as he pulls her closer to him).
Me:Em,are you ok by going on the slides all by yourself?
Me:Alright,so let's do the lamest to the scariest slides.
Ethan:Let's do this!"
We went to the lamest slide first which was the "Green Vipes".The slide was high and the speed was slow but Ethan still got nervous of the height.
Me:"Ethan,are you ok?
Ethan:Yeah..why? (as his face turned white).
Me:We don't have to do it if you don't want to.
Ethan:No,I wanna go...
I gave Ethan a kiss on the cheek so he could feel less paranoid.
Ethan:"Thanks babe (he said smiling)."
It was our turn to ride and I realized that Ethan was still nervous to slide it so since Grayson and Sam were behind us,Grayson pushed Ethan into the slide.
Ethan:"AHH,GRAYSON IM GONNA KILL YOU!! (he said sliding in the slide).
Sam then pushed me into the slide.
We waited for Em,Grayson and Sam at the bottom of the ride.And as soon as Grayson splashed in the water,Ethan wrecked Grayson into the water.
Me:"Stop it you guys! (as I pushed Ethan away from Grayson).
Grayson:Haha,sorry dude I just wanted to annoy you!
Sam:Alright you guys,let's do the next one!"
After 1 hour of sliding we head to the cafe for lunch.
Emily:"What do you guys say we do the "water balloon" fight after lunch?
Sam:I'm down
Me:Same here,what about you guys?
Ethan:With pleasure (he said looking at Grayson with a smirk).
Grayson:Oh no.."
We finished lunch and went doing the "water balloon" fight.I suck at throwing stuff so I knew I was going to lose: 1st round,Ethan won against me.2nd round,Sam won against Grayson.3rd round,Ethan won against Grayson and 4th round,Em won against Sam.
After 2 hours of having fun in the water,Sam gives me a present : it was Kylie Jenner's new lip kit.
Me:"No way!!
Sam:Do you like it?
Me:I love it! Thank you so much babe! (as I gave her a hug).
We then got back home.
At my place..
Mom:"Hey sweetie,how was your day?
Me:It was amazing! We went to the water park and Sam gave me Kylie Jenner's new lip kit!
Mom:Wow!!Do you mind if we go shopping?
Me:No,not at all! Why?
Mom:We're heading to Paris in 3 days!
Me:What?I have to go tell Ethan.

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