Chapter 49

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Sam then arrives in front of the house.

"Hey girl" she said getting out of the car.


"What's wrong?" She said sitting down next to me.

"Nothing, let's just go".


I wrap my arm around her shoulder as we slowly walked in to the car.

"So, how was the night with my boyfriend?" She asked with a smirk.

"Haha, it was okay"

"Bitch, it better be".

"Why? Cuz you gonna kill me if I hook up with him?" I said with a sassy tone.

"Fucking yes, so don't you dare touch him".

"Well your boyfriend made me some breakfast this morning in bed" I said with a smirk.


"Jealous much?"

"Bitch, I hate you".

I smile and for the next 5 minutes, there was a silence.

"Does your waist still hurt?"


"Don't worry, you'll get better soon babe".

"I sure hope so".

"How did this happen anyway?"

"Aaron got pissed and punched me on the waist".

"What?! What is his problem?!"

"You tell me"

"God he's such an asshole".

"Yep, I know".

10 minutes later, we arrived and got in the house.

"Alright Sam, I'm gonna take a shower".

"Alright, want me to help?"

"No I'm good, I'll call you if I need anything".


I successfully walked to the bathroom,turned on the shower and got in.
5 minutes later, Sam comes in with some clothes in her hands.

"Here, you can borrow some of my clothes" she said putting the clothes near the sink.

"Thanks babe".

She gets out as I got out of the shower and changed myself. There were a few of Sam's makeup items around the sink so I took the eyeliner, drew my eyeliner wings,put on a little bit of mascara and lipstick. I then got out of the bathroom.

"Who said you could wear my makeup?" She asked.

"I did".

"Whatever, I'm gonna get ready".


At the Dolan's house..

Grayson P.O.V.

"Ok, what was she doing here?" Ethan asked.

"Um..well..she slept here yesterday night".


"She got hit again yesterday on the waist so we brought her to the hospital and the doctor said that I had to take care of her for a few days".

"What?! Who hit her?!".

"I don't know.."

"God I'll kill that person if I see him around her!"

"You still care for her?"

" little...".

"Alright well, I have to go out for a minute. Can you bring these to her?" I said handing him Lucy's purse and pills.

"Why do you have Lucy's purse?"

"I took it last night with me just in case she needed it".

"Oh ok" he said taking the purse and pills.

"Alright, thanks bud. By the way, she's at Sam's."


I head out as Ethan headed to Sam's place.

Ethan P.O.V.
I can't believe we hit her again! I just hate it when she gets hurt. Deep inside of me, I still have feelings for her..but I'm with Chloe now and even if I wasn't, she'd probably have a boyfriend already.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now