Chapter 32

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He grabs me and throws me on the bed as he starts tickling me.
Ethan:"You're such a dick!
Me:HAHA NO! You're such a dick! (I said laughing)."
He stops tickling me and goes to the bathroom to wash off the lipstick but it doesn't come off.
Ethan:"Why the fuck isn't it coming off?!
Me:Here,lemme help."
I took a makeup remover wipe from my desk and start wiping off the lipstick off his forehead.
Me:"There,it's off.
Ethan:Thank you,and don't ever do that to me ever again.
Me:Alright,I won't (as I kissed him on the cheek).
Ethan:So where do you wanna to go?
Me:Let's go to the park,I mean it's nearly 7 pm so I guess we go out for dinner afterwards.
Ethan:Alright,let's go.
Me:Wait for me in the lobby I'll be out in a minute."
He goes out to the lobby as i texted my mom:
Me:Hey mom,Ethan and I are going to the park and maybe we're going out for dinner.
Mom:Alright,have fun!
Me:Thanks,bye mom!
         End of text
I went to the lobby to join Ethan and we head to the park.
We walked for a bit as we talked.
Ethan:"I can't wait for the big day
Me:Me neither,the location is so beautiful!
Ethan:Yes you are (he looks at me and smiles as he puts his arm around my waist)."
30 minutes later,we went to a restaurant for dinner.We enjoyed our meal and went back to the hotel.
We went to our room,changed ourselves into our pajamas and I wore a little bit of foundation to cover up my bruises and marks.
The next morning: Aunt Julie's wedding!!
I woke up and got ready..
Me:"Ethan,wake up!
Ethan: 5 more minutes!
Me: Do you really want me to draw a dick on your forehead again?
Ethan: No!"
He gets up and gets ready.
Me: Ready as I'll ever be!"
We joined my mom at the lobby.
Mom:"Morning kids,are you guys ready?
We took our breakfast at a cafe and quickly went to the wedding studio to get ourselves ready.
Julie:"Hey everyone,the hair and makeup artists are here.You can put your wedding outfits and join them in their rooms.
Mom: Alright,thanks!"
We put on our wedding outfits and head to the" hair and makeup" rooms.
Me:"Oh my god!! Julie you look stunning!!
Julie:So do you, sweetie!!"
We went to the enchanting forest where all the decorations were done,with A CAROUSE!!
Us bridesmaids walked down the aisle first holding a bouquet of flowers.As I walked,I could see the boys waiting for us in their lovely tuxedos.
The bride then walked down the aisle looking absolutely gorgeous and stand next to the groom.
After the ceremony,we went to the dinner reception to have lunch.
Me:"Congratulations guys!! (as I hugged Paul and Julie).
Julie: Thank you sweetie!!"
We enjoyed the meal when suddenly Paul gets up and..

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now