Chapter 22

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7 pm.
Ethan picks me up..
Ethan:" Hey babe! (as he gives me a hug).
Me:Hey! (as I hugged him back)."
He untangles himself from me and looks at me from head to toe.
Ethan:"You look beautiful! (he said smiling).
Me:Thank you! (I said smiling)."
We went to Ethan's car and head to the movies.As we entered to movie reception,my face became white.
Ethan:"Babe,you ok?
Ethan:We don't have to go if you don't want to.
Me:No,I wanna go (I lied)."
I honestly hate watching horror movies,even if it looks fake I'll still have nightmares.We took our popcorn and went to our seats.
Ethan:"Are you sure you wanna do this?
As the scene started to get suspicious,I grabbed Ethan's arm and squeezed it hard.
Me:Sorry! (as I took my hands off of his arm)."
As the scary scene came,I screamed.
Me:OH MY GOD!! (as I buried my face into Ethan's chest).
Me:Stop it,it's not funny! (as I said through his shirt).
1 hour later,the movie ends and went out for dinner.
Ethan:"So did you like the movie? (he asked with a smirk).
Me:I hated it!!"
We arrived to a restaurant and ordered our meal.
Me:"So did you talk to your parents about the wedding?
Ethan:No,not yet,I'll ask them tonight.
Me:Alright (i said smiling)."
We spend the rest of the dinner talking and laughing as we enjoyed our meal.He then takes me home.
Ethan:"Good night princess! (as he gives me a kiss on the cheek).
Me:Goodnight! (as I hugged him)."
I got ready for bed and took a pill.
At the Dolan house..
Ethan:"Mom,dad I'm home!
Mrs Dolan:Hey honey,how was your date? (she asked with a smile).
Ethan:It was amazing! And uh,Lucy's inviting me to come to her aunt's wedding in Paris.
Mrs Dolan:Oh really?
Ethan:Yeah,and I wanted to know if you guys will let me.
Mrs Dolan:I don't know Ethan,you'll be miles away..
Ethan:Please mom,I'm 16.I can take care of myself,you know.
Mrs Dolan:I know,it's just that..I just wanted you to stay here with us..(as a tear went down her face)."
Ethan hugs her as he gives her a kiss on the forehead.
Ethan:"I'll always be with you mom..
Mrs Dolan:Alright,you can go.Just be careful ok?
Ethan:Ok mom."
He then gets ready for bed and texts me:
Text: Lucy ❤️
Ethan:Hey babe,I talked with my mom about the wedding and she said yes!
Lucy:Yay! Can't wait to see you in a tuxedo :)
Ethan:Haha,can't wait to see you in a bridesmaid's dress :)
When is the wedding anyway?
Lucy:On October 27th.But we'll be heading to Paris in the 25th of October.
Ethan:Alright,and for how long are we staying there?
Lucy:For 5 days.
Ethan:Alright,thanks babe! I'm going to bed,good night princess! :)
Lucy:Good night boo! :)❤️
End of text
I put my phone down on my nightstand and went to bed.

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now