Chapter 18

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Tomorrow morning.
I got out of bed,took a shower,got dressed and head downstairs for breakfast and I realized that my mom wasn't up to go to work yet.So I went to her room and I was shocked to see her laying on the floor with swollen eyes and drugs on her nightstand.
Me:"OH MY GOD MOM!! (I realized she wasn't breathing).Come on mom,wake up!!"
I immediately called for help.An ambulance took us to the hospital.
Doctor:"Are you Lucy?
Me:Yes,how is she?
Doctor:We're not sure yet,but we'll do our best to heal her.
Me:Can I go see her?
Doctor:No,she's not stable enough to see anyone right now.Maybe come back in a few hours?
Me:Alright..(as started crying)."
I then went to the beach to see Ethan.
Ethan:" Hey babe!"
I hugged him tight as I started to cry.
Ethan:"Oh my god Lucy,what happened?!
Me:It' mom..(as I started to cry even harder).
Ethan:What happened to her?
Me:She's at the hospital.."
He hugs me tight as I calmed myself down.
Ethan:Let's go take a walk.
We walked on the beach talking about everything.
Ethan:"So what happened to your mom?
Me:I don't know,she wasn't feeling good yesterday night.And this morning I saw her laying on her room's floor with swollen eyes and drugs on her nightstand..
Ethan:Oh my god,is she okay?
Me:I don't know,she's in the hospital and the doctor said that they didn't know yet.And I've been meaning to ask you,would you like to come to Paris with me for my aunt's wedding?
Ethan:"Yes!! (as he gives me a big hug).But I'll have to ask my parents.
Me:Alright,love you! (as I gave him a kiss on the cheek).
Ethan:Love you too! Let's go get lunch,I'm starving!
We went to the closest restaurant there was as Ethan holded my hand on the way.We enjoyed our meal and he takes me back to hospital.
Ethan:"Do you want me to come with you?
Me:No thank you,I'll go by myself (I said smiling).
Ethan:Alright,call me if you need me ok?
Love Hurts Chapter 20: pt.2
Ethan:"Yes!! (as he gives me a big hug).But I'll have to ask my parents.
Me:Alright,love you! (as I gave him a kiss on the cheek).
Ethan:Love you too! Let's go get lunch,I'm starving!
We went to the closest restaurant there was as Ethan holded my hand on the way.We enjoyed our meal and he takes me back to hospital.
Ethan:"Do you want me to come with you?
Me:No thank you,I'll go by myself (I said smiling).
Ethan:Alright,call me if you need me ok?
Me:Alright,bye! (as I gave him a kiss goodbye).
I went in to see my mom..
Me:"How is she,doctor?
Doctor:She's fine,you can go see her."
I went in her room.
Me:Mom..what happened to you?! (as I started to cry).
Mom:Nothing sweetie,I'm fine..
Me:Mom,I know something's wrong please tell me!!
Mom:Sit down,I'll tell you everything.."
I sat on the bed and started listening.
Mom:"Your grandmother died Lucy..(as she started to cry).
Me:What? (as I started to cry).
Mom:I'm sorry,but she's gone.."
I ran out crying to a private beach that me and my grandmother used to go on our bad moments.I felt down on the sand as I cried even harder.
Me:"WHY??!!! (crying my eyes out)."
My grandmother and I were very close,she took care of me when my mom was very busy with work..but the only person that I told about this place was the girls.They took a walk here almost everyday including today and saw crying.
Sam:"Oh my god Lucy! Are you ok?! (as she hugs me tightly).
Emily:Oh my god,what happened?!
Me:It's over..she's gone..

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now