Chapter 24

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Me:"Girl,he was hitting on you!!
Sam: I know,but you know how guys are..he could be a playboy..
Me: I'm 100% sure that Grayson isn't a playboy!
Emily:Hey Lucy,would you mind singing Ariana grande's " Dangerous Woman"?
Emily:I just really want you to make a cover of it!
Me:Alright,I'll send you a video in a few days."
The girls dropped me off at my place.i then received a text from Ethan:
Text:Ethan 💖
Ethan:Hey babe,get dressed we're going out tonight! :)
Me:Alright,where to?
Ethan:it's a surprise ;)
Me:Alright :)
End of text
I took a shower,did my hair and makeup and got dressed.
30 minutes later,Ethan picks me up.
Ethan:"OH MY GOD!! You look amazing!!
Me:Thank you!! (I said smiling)."
We went to his car and he then parks it near a mountain.
Me:"Ethan,what are doing here?
Ethan:Follow me,I'll show you.."
Before I knew it,we went for hike.I was ok about it but the only problem was that I was hiking in heels.It was dark so I used my flashlight to light up my path.I later bend my ankle.
Ethan:Lucy,are you alright?!"
Luckily my ankle didn't break.Ethan who is in shoes,decided to carry me to our destination.
Me:"So am I hiking like a snail now? (I asked with a smirk).
Ethan:Haha,no! I just didn't want your ankle to break."
I gave him a kiss on the cheek as he continued to walk.
10 minutes later I saw a beautiful tent with pillows,a table with candles on it and Grayson annoyed in a tux pretending to be our waiter.I got off of Ethan's arms and gave him a tight hug as i kissed him.
Ethan:"Do you like it? (he asked smiling).
We held each other's hands as we walked towards Grayson.
Grayson:"Hey you guys..(annoyed)."
I untangle my hands from Ethan and gave Grayson a big hug.
Me:"Thank you so much!!
Grayson:Your welcome,as long as I'm not wearing anything ridiculous I'll do anything for you! (he said smiling)."
I went to sit on the pillows inside the tent with Ethan and Grayson hands us a platter of food.
Me:"What is this? (I said smiling).
Grayson:Food,you know? It's something you eat everyday to nourish your body.
Me:Haha,thanks Grayson! I see you're third wheeling right now!
Grayson:Yeah,it sucks..
Me:Would it make you feel better if I invited Sam over? (I asked with a smirk).
Grayson:Umm..yeah....maybe.. (he started to blush).
Me:I'll invite her next time we hang out!
Grayson:Yes! I mean..yeah whatever..
Ethan:Ugh,enough you two! Can we start our date already?!
We enjoyed our food and talked about everything and as soon as we finished our date,I went to talk to Grayson privately.
Me:"Do you want me to call her so you guys can hang out? (I asked with a smirk).
Grayson:Sure,if you want..(as he started blushing).
Me:Alright,I'll tell her to go meet you at the restaurant you guys love!
Grayson:Thanks Lucy! (as he gives me a hug).
Me:No problem Gray!

  "E".  // E.D //Where stories live. Discover now