Tuesday, 14th June 2016

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Tuesday, 14th June 2016

Dear Diary

School held its assembly today. Normally, this is merely an uncomfortable experience, sitting cross-legged on the ground, listening to half-an-hour of announcements which had nothing to do with me. But today, one of them had something to do with me. It had to do with the cross country which happened yesterday, specifically, the people going to the zone carnival. They made every single person step in front of the entire school, including ME! It was awful, everybody looking at me and then swiftly passing judgement over me, before passing onto the next person.

This almost convinced me to not go to the zone carnival, but I held out, and when they finally let me sit down, they gave me a note. I tried to sink into the ground as much as I could, so that no one would remember who I was, particularly him.

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