Monday, 4th July 2016 - School Shootout
Dear Diary
Today was the start of the final week of school. This was set to be some of the best holidays ever, no school AND snow!
At school, people would normally be talking about their holiday plans, but the snow stopped all that. Almost everybody was playing in the snow. Walking into class from lunch, an army of snowmen watch me do it. Snow angels littered the ground everywhere and every movement bore the threat of a flying snowball.
It was so good. During our frees it kept on going. Nobody was staying in the library to study, the snow was outside. Two beautiful snow castles had been built, and the creators of each were lobbing snowballs at the other, trying to knock it down.
When I went home, Biscuit was overjoyed that he was finally able to go out and play in the snow, and I tried to make a snow castle of my own. It wasn't nearly as good as any of the creations that were at school, but I thought it was great all the same. Well, until Biscuit came and jumped into it.
Meanwhile, the news reporter said that the snow was only going to fall with more intensity than it had so far.
Dear Diary, Today I Met...
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