Tuesday, 21st June 2016

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Tuesday, 21st June 2016

Dear Diary

Biscuit! That was it! It was perfect for him! A perfect dog name for a perfect dog. How had it taken me to come up with it I would never know. When I woke up, it just popped up in my mind. I immediately told my parents this name and they voiced agreement with how good it was. I spent as much time with the newly named Biscuit for as long as I could before going to school.

Although I narrowly avoided being late to school, I made it just in time. I excitedly told all of my friends about the name for the dog and they thought that it was great as well. School seemed to go by much too slowly, but when it finally did I raced home, eager to spend as much time as I could with Biscuit. Just like the previous day I quickly dumped away my school things and spent almost the entire night with Biscuit, walking him, talking to him and playing with him. I feel asleep with him lying on my bed.

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