Thursday, 13th October 2016 - That's Right, Exams
Dear Diary
I woke up this morning feeling very happy. I felt like I had a day all to myself to do whatever I wanted before school started up again and everything else fell apart. That was, of course, when I remembered what I had attempted to forget from last night. The exams did start next week. I knew that I should definitely start studying as soon as possible. I also knew that I definitely did not want to do that.
After a few hours I found some past papers from previous years for my exams. I went through all of them and determined what I would need to go through for each subject. It was an extremely large amount of work. I knew that I would never be able to get through all of that, even if I had started weeks earlier. I crossed out a few of the things which I felt was more confident in and reluctantly began to study.
Dear Diary, Today I Met...
Short StoryA Day by Day journal entry of a girl as she tries to get the perfect boyfriend...forever. There is now an official fan club, it can be found at