Thursday, 25th August 2016 - A Purchased Computer

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Thursday, 25th August 2016 - A Purchased Computer

Dear Diary

During a boring class today, Bear decided that she would hack into the school system. She didn't really have a purpose, she just felt like doing it. Most of the things that she found were simply files for different students and teachers. Just as she was finally starting to get bored, she found something which interested both of us. It was the list of people in our year who had purchased one of the school laptops which we had been forced to buy.

Everybody in our grade had purchased one, with the exception of one person who was in no classes with Bear or me. Even My Secret Admirer had purchased one. Neither of us could work out why he would do that. Why would he have purchased one if he was just going to use his laptop anyway? It was a very interesting question, and it only confirmed to us that we needed to get our hands on My Secret Admirer's laptop as soon as possible.

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