Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 - Assembly Council

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Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 - Assembly Council

Dear Diary

During assembly, I prepared to actually pay attention to what was being said, for once. First they started by talking about nothing of any importance whatsoever. Finally, after what seemed to be forever, the teacher finally started talking about the student council. He explained that it was an opportunity to improve the school for the better by making real change which would improve everybody. It was the first time that the school had time something like this. A further meeting for people wanting even more information would be happening on Friday at lunch time. The teacher managed to convey this almost exciting information in the most boring tone possible. This was enough to make me reconsider if I really wanted to do it, but at the urging of my friend, I took a note home to show to my parents. I never showed it to my parents.

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